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Request to Archive an Existing Mailing List

Please fill out this form to request archiving for an existing mailing list. Your request will be sent to the Fermilab postmaster for processing.

Requests for archiving must be done by a list owner.

Archiving Recommendations

Projects Lists that discuss a project can find archival useful to search for decisions made, etc.
Admin Lists that deal with administration of computer systems. The web interface makes it very easy to search archives for relevant information.

Not Recommended for Archiving

Automated lists Any list that is updated by an automated mailer - cron/batch/etc.
Announcements Lists where the main purpose is to send notification to many users, such as departmental lists, user organizations, etc.

All requests for archiving are subject to review.

       Primary owner The e-mail address of the primary owner of the list.

       List Name What list do you want archived?

Archive Rotation Weekly - A new archive will be created weekly
Monthly - A new archive will be created monthly
Yearly - A new archive will be created yearly
All archives will remain available
Archive Privacy Public - Anyone can read the archive
Private - Only list members can read the archive. Password required

The password that would be used here are specific to the LISTSERV system. They should not be the same as any other passwords in use at Fermi.


The Primary Owner of the list will be notified by e-mail when the list archive is configured.

It is the list owners responsibility to notify the list members that the list is archived and how to access the archives.

Please see the LISTSERV - Instructions for List Owners for information on managing your list, including how to add subscribers and change your list's configuration.

last modified May 4th, 2005    email helpdesk@fnal.gov

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