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  • Secretary of State John Kerry during his remarks at the University of Virginia (State Dept.)

    Secretary Kerry on U.S. Foreign Policy

    I’m here because our lives as Americans are more intertwined than ever before with the lives of people in parts of the world that we may have never visited.

  • President Obama during his State of the Union Address in 2013 (The White House)

    Obama's 2013 State of the Union Address

    Transcript: Tonight, thanks to the grit and determination of the American people, there is much progress to report. After a decade of grinding war, our brave men and women in uniform are coming home.

    ALSO:  Video
  • Three Chilean English Teachers in Washington, D.C.

    Chilean English Teachers at TEA Program

    Three Chilean English teachers traveled to the United States to participate in a Teaching Excellence and Achievement (TEA) program.

  • On February 1, 2013, John Forbes Kerry was sworn in as the 68th Secretary of State of the United States (AP)

    John Forbes Kerry, Secretary of State

    Secretary of State of the United States John Forbes Kerry assumed his position as on February 4, 2013. Secretary Kerry joined the State Department after 28 years in the U.S. Senate.

  • Twelve Chilean students  selected as Youth Ambassadors 2013

    Twelve Chilean students selected as Youth Ambassadors 2013

    Twelve Chilean students from public and semi-public schools belonging to different regions of the country were selected from a total of 204 candidates to represent Chile in the Youth Ambassadors Program in the U.S.

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  • Rosa Parks commemorative stamp (U.S. Postal Service)
    Happy Birthday, Rosa Parks!

    The “mother of the civil rights movement” would have been 100 years old on February 4, 2013. Her refusal to sit in the back of a Montgomery, Alabama, bus on December 1, 1955, ignited a movement that ultimately challenged racial segregation and inspired others to similar actions. 

  • RDECOM RFEC-Americas hosted a videoconference
    RDECOM RFEC-Americas hosted a videoconference

    RDECOM RFEC-Americas hosted a videoconference between the Instituto de Investigaciones y Control (IDIC) of the Chilean Army, and RDECOM Armament Research Development and Engineering Center (ARDEC).  

  • American Corner Coordinators Attend Presidential Inauguration in the United States
    American Corner Coordinators Attend Presidential Inauguration in the United States

    On January 21st, as part of a training program taking place in Washington, D.C., the coordinators of the American Corners in Chile attended the Presidential Inauguration in the United States where President Barack Obama was sworn in for his second term in office.  

  • Obama Nominates Two for National Security Team
    Obama Nominates Two for National Security Team

    President Obama rounded out his second-term national security team January 7 by nominating former U.S. Senator Chuck Hagel for defense secretary and White House counterterrorism adviser John Brennan to head the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). 

  • Scientists put a tracking device on an Alaskan Beluga whale. The creatures’ survival is threatened by water pollution and over hunting. (AP Images)
    Scientists Report Climate Impact on Animals, Ecosystems

    Animals and plants are moving up mountainsides seeking cooler temperatures. Some fish species have smaller ranges and less abundance. 

  • Saturn and its rings in green (NASA/JPL/Caltech/Space Science Institute)
    From Cassini: A Splendor Seldom Seen

    NASA’s Cassini spacecraft, in orbit around Saturn for more than eight years, has delivered another striking backlit view of the planet Saturn and its rings. 


  • Watch Secretary Kerry's speech on Foreign Policy

Video: State of the Union Address

  • State of the Union Address 2013, Feb 12

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