Blog Posts Tagged ''

Under President Obama, Gas Prices Have Soared

For the past year, House Republicans have been working on an all-of-the-above energy strategy that will lower gas prices and create jobs.The Keystone XL Energy Pipeline will create over 20,000 jobs while battling the high price of gas.The Keystone pipeline had been planned for years. It was supported by Republicans, Democrats, and Unions. Presiden [...]  More

House Republicans Unveil Latest Legislation Aimed at Helping Small Businesses Create Jobs

Since 1980, small business startups have created over 40 million jobs and are responsible for 60% of new jobs in the United States. Their success is vital to the strength of the economy and the availability of jobs for all Americans. On Tuesday, House Republicans unveiled the Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act (JOBS Act) on the East Steps of [...]  More

Call on Senate Democrats to Take Action with the "We Can't Wait" Widget

Last night, Speaker Boehner unveiled an updated (and more accurate) version of the White House “countdown clock” urging Senate Democrats to take immediate action on the House-passed Middle Class Tax Relief & Job Creation Act. Click “embed” to put the widget on your website:  More

These Statistics Don't Lie, Ma'am

Today, DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz made the outrageous claim on "Fox and Friends" that the unemployment rate has not gone up since President Obama took office. The facts are this: when the president took office, unemployment stood at 7.8%. It rose to 10.1% in April 2009, and now stands at 8.6%. The number of unemployed eclipsed 1 [...]  More

Our Plan.

House Republicans have a jobs plan to get America working again-- The House Republican Plan for America's Job Creators. Since May, the House has passed over 15 jobs bills that are currently sitting in the Democrat-controlled Senate. We can't wait for the Senate to pass these jobs bills and get our economy back on track. Visit to see o [...]  More