Blog Posts from June 2010

Connect with House Republicans on YouTube!

Did you know that most House Republicans have their own YouTube channel? It's true and you can find them here. The House Republican Conference channel subscribes to all Member pages so check it out and find your Member of Congress' best floor speeches and moments caugh on tape. Here's the latest clip from Rep. Michele Bachmann (MN) to get you star [...]  More

Camp: Democrats' Trillion-Dollar Stimulus Failed

Rep. Dave Camp (MI) published a piece today in Human Events. Read an excerpt of his thoughts on why the Democrats' stimulus has failed: Facts, they say, are stubborn things. And the simple fact is the Obama Administration has been the worst administration on jobs since the Great Depression. That is why they are now engaged in a massive public rel [...]  More

Tired of Democrat Excuses to Raise Your Taxes?

From the House Republican Policy Shop: Majority Leader Hoyer confirmed in a speech last week that Democrats intend to raise taxes on upper-income wage earners—tax increases that will also significantly impact small business and cost jobs.  Raising taxes in the midst of the worst recession in 30 years is a profoundly bad idea, but now Ho [...]  More

Where the Democrats' Financial Proposal Goes Wrong

“[T]here's no possibility to restore 8 million jobs lost in the Great Recession.”  –Vice President Joe Biden, June 28, 2010 Big government and Wall Street have grown closer this week, while Main Street has become their annoying third wheel. Congress passed legislation that will make Wall Street bailouts permanent at the expe [...]  More

Blog Spotlight on Rep. Frank Lucas (OK)

Rep. Frank Lucas (OK) is one of the most prolific House Republican bloggers. He understands the importance of new media and how that communication works to everyone's benefit. We'd like to share with you a few of the Congressman's latest online posts: McCarville Report -- Congressional Delegation Praises Court Gun Action Red State -- President O [...]  More

The Washington Times: GOP cuts pork from spending diet plan

Republicans voted earlier this year for a one-year ban on earmarks and the results are already evident. The Washington Times covers it here: The first spending bill to begin moving through Congress since House Republicans pledged to forgo earmarks shows the vow is working: The bill contains nearly 50 percent less in pork-barrel spending than last [...]  More

Smith and Tiahrt: Kagan has some explaining to do today

Reps. Lamar Smith (TX) and Todd Tiahrt (KS) today published a blog post in the Hill regarding the Kagan hearings. See an excerpt of their piece here: Today the Senate begins consideration of the lifetime appointment of Elena Kagan to the U.S. Supreme Court.  Critics have said that her judicial record is non-existent, and there are few clues [...]  More

(New VIDEO): Breaking News -- Budget Cancelled!

New from the House Republican Conference: BREAKING NEWS: We have confirmed that the federal budget planned for fiscal year 2011 has been canceled. The cause: Washington Democrats' out-of-control spending spree. We are here now outside the Capitol awaiting an apology from Washington Democrats for this betrayal of hard-working American taxpay [...]  More

Pence Praises Supreme Court Ruling on Gun Rights

U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, released the following statement today after the U.S. Supreme Court, in its ruling on McDonald v. Chicago, extended the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms to all fifty states: In its ruling today, the Supreme Court has affirmed a fundamental point of federalism: No [...]  More

(PHOTO) Rep. Paul Ryan delivers the Weekly Republican Address

Rep. Paul Ryan (WI), ranking Member of the House Budget Committee, delivers this week’s Weekly Republican Address on the Democrats’ failure to produce a budget for the first time since 1974. Visit tomorrow morning to watch the address.  More

Cao: Much Work Left to Clean Up Spill

Rep. Anh "Joseph" Cao (LA) weighs in on the oil spill crisis today. Please seen an excerpt of his piece: I personally know two fishermen who’ve considered taking their own lives.  I know of another who actually attempted suicide.   Tied to the fortunes of these fishermen is the seafood and tourism-based economy of New Orleans and [...]  More

Pence: “Mr. President, Do Not Waive These Sanctions”

House Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence spoke today on the House floor regarding the Iran Sanctions bill. See the text here and watch the Congressman below:   More

Campbell: Reversing Our Spending Culture

Rep. John Campbell (CA) published at piece at Politico today. Read an excerpt here: When I was first elected to Congress in 2005, lots of people wanted to meet with me.  I naturally assumed they wanted to give me their opinions on pressing public policy issues facing the country. I was wrong. Nearly 90 percent of my first 100 or so meetings [...]  More

Drilling Moratorium Jeopardizes Jobs

by Rep. Gregg Harper (MS) For nearly two months, oil has been flowing into the Gulf of Mexico from the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon rig, affecting not only Gulf Coast states’ environments but their economies as well. BP and the federal government have been working to stop the stream of oil and to minimize the environmental impact of th [...]  More

Wittman on Democrats Non-Budget: "A Failure to Govern...and Lead."

Rep. Rob Wittman (VA) talks about Democrats lack of fiscal discipline:   More

Davis: Response to Gulf Oil Spill Points to a Broken Process

Rep. Geoff Davis (KY) weighs in on the oil spill crisis: For more than two months, the BP disaster in the Gulf of Mexico has gushed between 68 million and 126 million gallons of oil, resulting in our nation’s worst environmental disaster.  Lives have been lost, valuable natural resources have been destroyed, valuable habitats and ec [...]  More

Three Months Down: The Health Care Hangover (VIDEO)

The House Republican Committee on Oversight and Government Reform published a video shortly after the passing of ObamaCare. With the three-month anniversary of the legislation, it is appropriate to remind you of it today:   More

“ObamaCare has given the American people nothing but a string of broken promises.”

U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, released the following statement today marking the three-month anniversary of the enactment of ObamaCare: Three months of ObamaCare has given the American people nothing but a string of broken promises. It will send the nation’s cost for health care skyrocketing by mor [...]  More

Why did Democrats decide to ignore a budget?

From the House Republican Conference Policy Team: House Democrat Leader Steny Hoyer has finally admitted the sad truth that Democrats had been avoiding since the April 15 deadline to pass a federal budget came and went over two months ago—the House will not pass a budget resolution for the first time since modern budgeting began. According t [...]  More

CANCELLED: There Will Be No Congressional Budget This Year

From Republican Leader John Boehner: In light of House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer’s (D-MD) announcement this morning that House Democrats will not pass a budget this year – failing to fulfill what he has called “the most basic responsibility” of governing – the following important fiscal health warning has bee [...]  More

A Resolution of Inquiry on Sestak-Romanoff

From the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Rep. Darrell Issa, Ranking Member: If White House Has Nothing to Hide and Did Nothing Wrong, Support Resolution of Inquiry on Sestak-Romanoff WASHINGTON. D.C. – Appearing on ABC’s This Week, White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel says there is “nothing more that’s n [...]  More

48 out of 50 States Have Lost Jobs Since Democrats' 2009 "Stimulus"

From the Ways and Means Committee and Ranking Member Dave Camp: Despite the Administration’s declaration that this is the “Summer of Recovery,” data released today by the U.S. Department of Labor, and the chart below, show that virtually the entire country is experiencing a yet another season of continued unemployment. Through Ma [...]  More

Report: Abortion Groups Getting Millions in Tax Dollars

In a recently released report, it is noted that the Government Accountability Office (GAO) found that pro-abortion organizations have received over $1 billion in taxpayer money over the past 8 years. This report is notable now due to the "Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act" being sponsored by House Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence. [...]  More

Thornberry: Pass A Clean Troop Funding Bill

Rep. Mac Thornberry (TX) published a video and posting today on America Speaking Out. The Congressman urged Americans to speak out with their opinions, specifically regarding the troop funding bill. Watch the video here but visit ASO to express your thoughts on the issue:   More

LIVE UStream Forum: "ObamaCare: Where Are the Jobs?"

The GOP Health Care Caucus is broadcasting a special forum LIVE on Ustream right now. Hear from GOP doctors and health care experts in the know. Visit the site here to follow the Health Care Caucus or watch it live below:   More

A Few Thoughts From John Campbell

Rep. John Campbell (CA) keeps a blog at Townhall but we wanted to be sure you saw some of his thoughts over here at Here is a portion of his most recent blog post: For decades, the assumption has been that government employees were paid less than their private sector counterparts. But the tradeoff was that the public sector jobs were mo [...]  More

From Roll Call's "Office Space:" Wittman's Walls Bring Great Outdoors Inside

Rep. Rob Wittman (VA) is featured today in Roll Call's "Office Space" series. Read an excerpt of the accompanying article below the video embedded below. Be sure to click over to Roll Call for the whole thing! Here it is: Here is the excerpt: Staffers who work for Rep. Rob Wittman (R-Va.) refer to his personal office as “the fishbowl,&rdqu [...]  More

Today's House Republican Leadership Press Conference (VIDEO)

Watch it here:   More

ASO: House GOP to Force Vote on Repeal of Individual Mandate, Heart of Obamacare

On America Speaking Out, Rep. Dave Camp (MI) talked about the need to repeal and replace ObamaCare. Here is part of his entry and you can vote it up or down on the site: We need to repeal and replace the health care law with common sense reforms that will actually lower health care costs and let Americans keep the plan they have and like. That&r [...]  More

Broun: What Budget?

By Rep. Paul Broun, M.D. (GA) Congressional Republicans received a late-night surprise on Saturday.  In a three page letter addressed to Republican and Democrat leaders, President Barack Obama requested Congress to quickly approve an additional $50 billion in “emergency” stimulus funds to help bail out state and local governments. [...]  More

Paul Ryan: Washington's Fiscal Failures Are Unacceptable

Rep. Paul Ryan (WI) talks to Americans on America Speaking Out. Have you signed up yet? Submit your ideas and make your voice heard at America Speaking Watch it here:   More

Pence: “We Won't Cap That Well With Cap and Trade.”

U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, and the American Energy Solutions Group, made the following remarks today during a House Republican Leadership press conference: I was home in Indiana yesterday and people are concerned about jobs, they are concerned about spending and they are deeply concerned about the cri [...]  More

Rep. Spencer Bachus to Politico: "Slow Down" Reform Process (VIDEO)

Rep. Spencer Bachus (AL), ranking Member on the House Financial Service Committee, spoke with Politico for a new video series about reforming Wall Street. Watch the Congressman speak with reporter Mike Allen below:   More

Culture of Union Favoritism Continues

It was about a year ago that President Obama told Americans they would be able to keep their health care plans. That promise has fallen to the wayside now -- except when it comes to Union members, who are protected. According to the House Republican Education and Labor Committee, "While roughly 87 million Americans can expect to see changes to the [...]  More

Mack: "Hugo Chavez Is Using His Power to Quash Any Free and Independent Thought in Venezuela"

From the office of Rep. Connie Mack (FL): Congressman Connie Mack (FL-14), the Ranking Republican of the House Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere, today condemned Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez for issuing an arrest warrant for Dr. Guillermo Zuloaga, the president of Globovision, and Dr. Zuloaga’s son, William Zuloaga Siso. Dr. Z [...]  More

Rep. Mike Pence Talks to Human Events (VIDEO)

Watch Rep. Mike Pence (IN) talk to Human Events about Speaker Nancy Pelosi and more:   More

Flatlines: More Broken Health Care Promises

White House Spin: Yes, You can Can Keep Your Health Plan White House Draft Regulations: Up to 69% of Employees May Lose Plans Draft regulations from the Obama administration indicate that up to 69 percent of employer-provided plans may be forced to change their health plans when ObamaCare’s mandates and requirements begin in 2014.   Ob [...]  More

GOP New Media Coverage Rocks

The GOP is not letting up on our efforts to be on the cutting edge of new media and social networking. We just finished crowning our winner for the House Republican New Media Competition (congrats Rep. Fleming!) and things aren't slowing down. Recently, our efforts were covered by The Hill, OhMyGov!, Mother Jones, Congressional Quarterly and the W [...]  More

America -- Are You Speaking Out?

Rep. Gus Bilirakis (FL) recently encouraged Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Democrats to listen more closely to the American people. He promoted House Republicans' recently launched project, America Speaking Out, as one way to hear from the public. Said Biliarakis, "Washington has ignored the voice of the American people and pushed through an agenda tha [...]  More

Sensenbrenner Talks BP and the President

Rep. James Sensenbrenner (WI) published a post yesterday on RedState regarding the BP oil spill and President Obama. Read an excerpt of this piece below: “We talk to these folks because they potentially have the best answers, so I know whose ass to kick.” – President Obama “He [BP CEO] wouldn’t be working for me.& [...]  More

FYI: House Republicans Add 40,000 Social Media Fans During 6-week Blitz

The House Republican New Media Challenge produced 40,000 new social media fans on the Right. See the following article discussing the results: After 6 weeks of "March Madness"-style fever, fervor, and anticipation, the winners of the House Republican "New Media Challenge" have emerged. Today, the competition's host, House Republican C [...]  More

Roskam: Americans Want Solutions, Not Blame (VIDEO)

Rep. Peter Roskam (R-IL) has been a powerful voice since House Republicans launched America Speaking Out. The Congressman continues his crusade for the American people with a video. Roskam took to the House floor to argue the merits of his amendment to cap Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac executives' compenstation at the level of the Joint Chiefs of Sta [...]  More

Today's House Republican Leadership Press Conference (VIDEO)

You can watch today's House Republican Leadership Press Conference below:   More

The 25 Hardest Working Lawmakers

The Hill today came out with a piece documenting their picks for the 25 hardest working lawmakers on Capitol Hill. It's no surprise that House Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence made the cut. Read the section on Congressman Pence here: Pence recently has found himself traveling more to carry his party’s torch as chairman of the House [...]  More

Chaffetz: YouCut, They Spend

Rep. Jason Chaffetz (UT) published an op/ed in Politico today. See an excerpt of "YouCut, They Spend": Taxpayers have seen through the hypocrisy and taken a stand against this reckless spending culture that has added more than $2.4 trillion to our debt since Obama took office. House Republicans unleashed direct digital democracy to get your help i [...]  More

Fleming Wins the House Republican New Media Challenge

The House Republican New Media Challenge garnered a lot of attention in previous weeks and finally -- a winner has been announced. The March Madness style contest paired House Republicans against one another to see who could gain the most new Facebook friends, Twitter followers and YouTube subscribers. Rep. John Fleming (LA) took first prize with [...]  More

Broun: Four Commonsense Alternatives to Obamacare

Rep. Paul Broun, M.D. (GA) published a post on RedState today in light of President Obama's renewed efforts to sell ObamaCare this week. As one of our many GOP doctors, Congressman Broun has valuable insight to share on the subject. Please see the following excerpt: Americans are disappointed that Obamacare will increase health care spending, incr [...]  More

The Finger Pointing President (VIDEO)

The Office of House Republican Whip Eric Cantor (R-VA) today issued a video news release that highlights President Obama's habit of blaming others despite his promise to end "petty grievances"  and bring in a "new era of bipartisanship." Watch it here:   More

GOP Women: Get to Know Rep. Sue Myrick (NC)

As part of an ongoing series at BlogHer, Ericka Andersen will be writing profile pieces of House Republican women. The first installment is here, with Congresswoman Sue Myrick (NC). See the following excerpt: Congresswoman Sue Myrick (NC) grew up on a fruit farm in Northern Ohio -- a peach orchard, to be exact. It was a childhood filled with tre [...]  More

Oh Yeah? Obama to Skip Details in Health Care Townhall

Today, President Obama will attempt to sell his health care plan to the public in a national tele-townhall meeting.  He won’t mention these details about ObamaCare.   Don’t expect Congressional Democrats to tell the public about these details either.  The New York Times reports, “Democrats Skip Town Halls to Avoid [...]  More


It's being deemed "TARP III" and for good reason. If you haven't heard about H.R. 5297 yet, look no more. The House Republican Conference policy shop has the details. Here are just two areas of concern but be sure to read the entire analysis for all the important information: Taxpayers Can't Afford Another Bailout:  The original bailout bill [...]  More

Why the VAT Is No Solution to Our Budget Woes

Rep. Joe Pitts (PA) wrote a piece today for the Daily Caller. See an excerpt of this article on the VAT here: If you walk into an Apple store in the United States you can walk out with a brand new iPod for around $212. If you purchase from the same retailer in England, you can expect to pay the equivalent of $230. Why the difference? Much of thi [...]  More

HECC: PR Blitz on ObamaCare: Same Song, Different Verse

From the House Republican Energy and Commerce Committee: U.S. Rep. Joe Barton, R-Texas, ranking member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, today made the following statement on President Obama’s relaunch of the marketing campaign for ObamaCare: Back in January, the White House chief of staff famously said the president’s top ag [...]  More

New Health Care Law Creates Bigger Burden on Small Businesses

By Rep. Geoff Davis (KY) At the heart and soul of our nation’s economy are small businesses. Small businesses are responsible for creating nearly eighty percent of new jobs in recent years.  As a former small business owner, I understand the struggles and challenges small business owners and entrepreneurs face in today’s marketpla [...]  More

Flatlines: ObamaCare Forces One Company to Cancel All Its Policies; Others Leave the Individual Market

Fewer Choices for Health Care Shoppers   Despite recent White House claims that “Yes, You Can Keep Your Health Plan,” ObamaCare has caused one insurance company to terminate all its policies and two others to leave the individual market.   nHealth in Richmond, Virginia, which sells HSA/high deductible to employers, will not s [...]  More

Republicans Were Working Hard for You Last Week

Have you been paying attention to what Republicans have done through America Speaking Out? From project headquarters: Whether on radio, over the phone, online, or in person, House Republicans are encouraging the American people to speak out and make their voices heard in the creation of a new policy agenda for America.  With nearly 300,000 un [...]  More

LA Times: Anti-deficit Pressures Weigh on Democrats

It looks more and more like the Democrats may not have a budget and Americans aren't happy about that -- or their irresponsible spending. Check out this editorial from the LA Times: With voter anger about the federal deficit intensifying in this election year, Democrats in Congress are edging away from one of their long-held articles of faith &m [...]  More

WSJ: the Blue Dogs Roll Over

The Wall Street Journal editorial page talks about how Blue Dog Demorcrats "abet Pelosi's spending agenda." Read an excerpt here: How's this for a neat trick? Hours before Congress departed for its Memorial Day break last Friday, House Democrats approved another $116 billion in new welfare and other spending, raised $82 billion in new taxes on inv [...]  More

Pence Discusses Gaza Flotilla Incident and Oil Spill on CNN

House Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence commented on the Gaza Flotilla incident and the oil spill today on CNN:   More

Pence: Israel's Blockade of Gaza Bolsters Peace in the Region

U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, released the following statement today in support of Israel’s right to maintain a blockade that seeks to prevent the arming of the terrorist group Hamas: The nation of Israel has a right and a duty to defend her people against the attacks of a terrorist group that has [...]  More

ObamaCare Not Going So Well

Democrats were happy when they passed ObamaCare earlier this year but things are off to a rocky start. According a report in the Daily Caller today, the White House is way behind on deadlines set to begin implementing the program. Read more here: Critics say missed deadlines and other signs show the Obama administration is stumbling out of the ga [...]  More

Boehner: "President Obama Has Run Out of Excuses for His Broken Promises on the Economy”

House Republican Leader John Boehner today responed to President Obama's Pittsburgh speech on the Economy. Here is an excerpt of those remarks: It’s clear from his harsh partisan rhetoric today that President Obama has run out of excuses for his broken promises on the economy.  Instead of creating the jobs and prosperity he promised, Pr [...]  More

Hoekstra: Obama Intelligence Failures Behind Blair Resignation

Rep. Pete Hoekstra (MI) published a piece today in Human Events. See an excerpt here for insight from the the top Republican on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence: Some people have claimed that Director of National Intelligence Dennis Blair deserves much of the blame for intelligence failures associated with the Fort Hood, Chr [...]  More

Wow: $984,000 for the Soap Creek Watershed Project in Iowa

Rep. Jeff Flake (AZ) has long been a leader in crusading against Congressional earmarks. Each week, his office publishes an "egregious earmark of the week", disclosing pork projects that your tax dollars are paying for. This week's earmark spotlight? $984,000 for the Soap Creek Watershed Project in Iowa. “This is not a watershed moment for e [...]  More

Watch it Now: The Weekly Republican Address with Rep. Kevin McCarthy

After introducing "America Speaking Out" last week, Rep. Kevin McCarthy (CA) delivered the Weekly Republican Address. Watch it here:   More

Bachmann: Stand With Israel

Rep. Michele Bachmann (MN) published a blog post at Townhall recently. Please see the following excerpt of "Stand With Israel": Israel has come under attack yet again from several world leaders who are calling the actions taken yesterday by their military "criminal" and "inhuman."  The AP reports that Israeli commandos stopped six flotillas h [...]  More