
Table 1. Listing of total number of station tows and number of stations for each taxon

Species Name Common Name Total
Positive Tows

(# / 10m2)
January February March April May June July
Ophichthus cruentifer margined snake eel 199 3 - - - - - 0.015 -
Argentina silus Atlantic argentine 314 2 - - - 0.013 - - -
Maurolicus weitzmani Atlantic pearlside 331 1 - - 0.003 - - - -
Lepophidium profundorum fawn cusk eel 237 3 - - - - - 0.005 0.342
Enchelyopus cimbrius fourbeard rockling 1791 280 0.009 0.026 0.211 4.155 4.242 2.724 3.447
Urophycis spp. hake species 1564 199 - 0.015 0.009 0.006 0.937 39.769 91.579
Merluccius albidus offshore hake 1791 50 0.035 0.062 0.060 0.100 0.170 0.276 0.079
Merluccius bilinearis silver hake 1120 204 0.004 - - 0.071 6.326 26.548 148.632
Brosme brosme cusk 1224 181 - - 0.015 1.298 0.403 0.327 0.026
Gadus morhua Atlantic cod 1753 851 10.793 49.279 43.517 7.751 0.755 0.055 -
Melanogrammus aeglefinus haddock 1753 707 1.516 24.491 27.402 23.922 2.401 0.513  -
Pollachius virens pollock 1554 325 6.599 1.882 0.160 1.003 0.029 - -
Lophius americanus goosefish 199 2 - - - - - 0.010 -
Prionotus carolinus northern searobin 237 11 - - - - - 0.116 0.632
Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps tilefish 314 1 - - - 0.003  - - -
Tautogolabrus adspersus cunner 237 89 - - - - - 7.608 11.526
Scomber scombrus Atlantic mackerel 579 78 - - - - 0.089 1.683 0.079
Peprilus triacanthus butterfish 579 21 - - - - 0.112 0.714 17.105
Scophthalmus aquosus windowpane 893 190 - - - 0.045 8.401 26.196 8.184
C. arctirfons/E. microstomus Gulf Stream/ smallmouth fldr 584 113 - - - - 1.006 6.000 57.684
Paralichthys dentatus summer flounder 855 8 - - - 0.003  0.014 0.025 -
Paralichthys oblongus fourspot flounder 579 75 - - - - 0.452 4.814 9.842
Glyptocephalus cynoglossus witch flounder 1224 133 - - 0.009 0.243 1.254 0.879 0.158 .
Hippoglossoides platessoides American plaice 1753 505 0.093 2.194 9.456 3.913 0.210 0.040 -
Limanda ferruginea yellowtail flounder 1564 968 - 0.476 31.544 163.877 207.671 168.508 7.105 .
Pseudopleuronectes americanus winter flounder 1186 169 - - 0.894 4.430 2.032 0.005 -


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(File Modified Nov. 19 2010)