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A healthy and productive Arctic Ocean and coasts that support environmental, economic and sociocultural values for current and future generations

Arctic In Focus

The Arctic Marine Shipping Assessment Recommendations

The focus of the AMSA is marine safety and marine environmental protection, which is consistent with the Arctic Council’s mandates of environmental protection and sustainable development. Based on the findings of the AMSA, recommendations were developed to provide a guide for future action by the Arctic Council, Arctic states and many others. The AMSA recommendations are presented under three br

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About PAME

Pierre-Radisson-from-above-thumbThe Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment Working Group (PAME) is one of six Arctic Council working groups. PAME was first established under the 1991 Arctic Environmental Protection Strategy and was continued by the 1996 Ottawa Charter that established the Arctic Council.

PAME is the focal point of the Arctic Council's activities related to the protection and sustainable use of the arctic marine environment. It has a specific mandate to keep under review the adequacy of global and regional legal, policy and other measures, and where necessary to make recommendations for improvements that would support the Arctic Council's Arctic Marine Strategic Plan (2004).
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PAME, Borgir, Nordurslod - 600 Akureyri - Iceland - Tel : +354 461 1355 - Fax: +354 462 3390 - Email:pame(at)