U.S. Department of State - Great Seal

U.S. Department of State

Diplomacy in Action


-12/17/12  2013 Holiday Retail and Consumer Trends; New York, NY

-11/30/12  The PEPFAR Blueprint: Creating an AIDS-Free Generation;  U.S. Ambassador M.D. Eric Goosby; Washington, DC
-11/29/12  Conference Board Global Economic Outlook; New York, NY
-11/29/12  The 9th Meeting of the U.S.-Turkey Economic Partnership Commission;  Assistant Secretary Jose W. Fernandez, Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs; Washington, DC
-11/26/12  Cyber Security: Project Cyber Monday 3 and Project Transatlantic. ICE/EUROPOL Collaboration Successfully Targets U.S. and International Websites Selling Counterfeit Merchandise; Washington, DC
-11/26/12  The Economics of the Healthcare Reform; New York, NY
-11/15/12  International Education Week Digital Video Conference Between Turkish Students Studying in the U.S. and American Students Studying in Turkey; New York, NY
-11/15/12  The U.S. Strategy to Combat Wildlife Trafficking;  Under Secretary for Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment Robert D. Hormats; Washington, DC
-11/13/12  Issues on the Post-Election U.S. Foreign Policy Agenda; New York, NY
-11/07/12  Analysis of the Election Results; Washington, DC
-11/06/12  Consumer Confidence, the Presidential Campaign and the Fiscal Cliff Facing the Next President; New York, NY
-11/06/12  Foreign Policy Issues and the Next President; Washington, DC
-11/06/12  State of the Campaign on Election Day; Washington, DC
-11/06/12  The Latest Exit Polls; Washington, DC
-11/06/12  The Next Congress; Washington, DC
-11/05/12  The Day Before the Vote: The Perspective From Florida; New York, NY
-11/05/12  The Day Before the Vote: The Perspective from Ohio; New York, NY
-11/05/12  The State of the Campaigns on the Eve of Election Day; Washington, DC

-10/24/12  The Electoral College: How It Works in Contemporary Presidential Elections; Washington, DC
-10/22/12  Election 2012: The End Game; New York, NY
-10/19/12  State of the Senate and House Races: "Can Democrats Hold On to Their Majority in the Senate?" and Latest House Polls; Washington, DC
-10/19/12  U.S. Foreign Policy: Western Balkans Update;  Deputy Assistant Secretary Philip T. Reeker, Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs; Washington, DC
-10/18/12  Preview of the Pathways for Prosperity/America's Competitiveness Forum in Cali, Colombia, Oct. 23-25;  Assistant Secretary Roberta S. Jacobson, Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs; Washington, DC
-10/11/12  Current U.S. Foreign Policy Issues;  Assistant Secretary Michael A. Hammer, Bureau of Public Affairs; Washington, DC
-10/02/12  Latest National Polls and the Upcoming Presidential Debate; Washington, DC
-10/01/12  Voting Rights in the United States; New York, NY
-10/01/12  The 2014 Diversity Visa Lottery Program; Washington, DC

-09/28/12  The Role of Women's Issues in the 2012 Elections; Washington, DC
-09/28/12  The Role of the Economy in the 2012 Elections; Washington, DC
-09/28/12  U.S Foreign Policy in the Asia-Pacific Region;  Assistant Secretary Kurt M. Campbell, Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs; New York, NY
-09/28/12  U.S. Foreign Policy Agenda: UNGA 2012;  Assistant Secretary Michael A. Hammer, Bureau of Public Affairs; New York, NY
-09/28/12  U.S. Priorities in the Western Hemisphere;  Assistant Secretary Roberta S. Jacobson, Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs; New York, NY
-09/27/12  An Overview of the Commission on Presidential Debates; Washington, DC
-09/27/12  U.S. Foreign Policy in Europe;  Assistant Secretary Philip H. Gordon, Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs; New York, NY
-09/27/12  U.S. Priorities in the Near East Region; New York, NY
-09/26/12  U.S. Foreign Policy in South and Central Asia;  Assistant Secretary Robert O. Blake, Jr., Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs; New York, NY
-09/24/12  Readout Of U.S. Bilateral Meetings With Pakistan and Afghanistan Presidents; New York, NY
-09/19/12  Presidential Matchup Results from Swing State Surveys of Likely Voters in Colorado, Virginia and Wisconsin; Washington, DC
-09/06/12  Overview of President Obama's Campaign Themes; Charlotte, NC
-09/06/12  The Women Vote; Charlotte, NC
-09/06/12  The Youth Vote; Charlotte, NC
-09/05/12  Economic Policy of the Obama Administration; Charlotte, NC
-09/05/12  The Latino Vote; Charlotte, NC
-09/05/12  The Political Impact of Muslim-Americans; Charlotte, NC
-09/04/12  Latest Polling; Charlotte, NC
-09/04/12  National Security and Foreign Policy; Charlotte, NC
-09/04/12  Scene-setter for Democratic National Convention; Charlotte, NC
-09/04/12  The African-American Vote; Charlotte, NC

-08/30/12  Facebook, Social Media and U.S. Elections; Tampa, Florida
-08/30/12  Foreign Policy and the Republican Platform; Tampa, Florida
-08/30/12  Preview of Mitt Romney's Republican Nomination Acceptance Speech; Tampa, Florida
-08/30/12  The Influence of Tax Reform Policy in the Presidential Election; Tampa, Florida
-08/29/12  APEC Summit; Washington, DC
-08/29/12  The Influence of the Tea Party on the Presidential Election; Tampa, Florida
-08/29/12  The Role of Women in the Republican Party; Tampa, Florida
-08/28/12  LGBT Issues; Tampa, Florida
-08/28/12  The Effects of Social Media in Campaigns; Tampa, Florida
-08/28/12  The Importance of Fact-Checking Politicians; Tampa, Florida
-08/27/12  Florida Politics; Tampa, Florida
-08/27/12  How to Cover Political Conventions; Tampa, Florida
-08/27/12  State of the Race for the Presidency; Tampa, Florida
-08/23/12  Election 2012: State of the Race; New York, NY

-07/26/12  Current U.S. Foreign Policy Issues;  Assistant Secretary Michael A. Hammer, Bureau of Public Affairs; Washington, DC
-07/24/12  Read-out from the First U.S. Trade and Economic Delegation to Burma in Many Years;  Under Secretary for Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment Robert D. Hormats; Washington, DC
-07/13/12  How to Cover Political Conventions; Washington, DC
-07/11/12  Overview of Recent Travel to Central America and the Western Hemisphere Affairs Agenda;  Assistant Secretary Roberta S. Jacobson, Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs; Washington, DC
-07/10/12  Preview of the AIDS 2012 Conference; Washington, DC

-06/20/12  Social Media and the 2012 U.S. Presidential Elections; Washington, DC
-06/18/12  World Refugee Day: How the U.S. Manages the World's Largest Refugee Resettlement; Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary David M. Robinson, Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration; Washington, DC
-06/14/12  Readout of the U.S. - India Strategic Dialogue;  Assistant Secretary Robert O. Blake, Jr., Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs; Washington, DC
-06/13/12  Global Economic Statecraft: International Travel and Tourism;  Deputy Secretary for Management and Resources Thomas Nides; Washington, DC
-06/12/12  Preview of the 2012 African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) Forum; Washington, DC
-06/07/12  Know Before You Go: U.S. Customs and Border Protection Travel Tips for the 2012 Summer; Washington, DC

-05/24/12  Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2011;  Assistant Secretary Michael H. Posner, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor; Washington, DC
-05/24/12  The Growing U.S. Hispanic Population: Impact on the U.S. Economy and Business; New York, NY
-05/23/12  The G-8 and NATO Summits; Washington, DC
-05/23/12  The Senior Vote in the 2012 Election; Washington, DC
-05/17/12  Exploring Cross-Cultural Dialogue Through Theater; Washington, DC
-05/10/12  Increasing International Travel and Tourism to the U.S.: A National Strategy; Washington, DC
-05/04/12  Election 2012: The African American Vote; Washington, DC

-04/26/12  The State of the News Media 2012 - An Examination of How News Consumers Use Social Media and New Technology; Washington, DC
-04/24/12  USA Pavilion 2012 World Expo Yeosu, Korea;  Assistant Secretary (R) Ann Stock; Washington, DC
-04/23/12  State Department Engagement on Youth Issues; Special Adviser Ronan Farrow, Office of Global Youth Issues; New York, NY
-04/20/12  International Counter-piracy Update; Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Thomas P. Kelly, Bureau of Political-Military Affairs; Washington, DC
-04/18/12  Free the Press Campaign; Washington, DC
-04/18/12  Pacific Partnership 2012: Preparing in Calm to Respond in Crisis; Washington, DC
-04/13/12  Election 2012: The Role of Independents; Washington, DC
-04/12/12  First High-Level Meeting of the Open Government Partnership Meeting;  Under Secretary for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights Maria Otero; Washington, DC
-04/11/12  Refugee Resettlement and the U.S. State Department's Role in the U.S. Refugee Admission Program; Acting Assistant Secretary David M. Robinson, Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration; New York, NY
-04/04/12  Technology Trends of 2012 and Beyond; New York, NY

-03/29/12  21st Century Economic Statecraft;  Under Secretary for Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment Robert D. Hormats; New York, NY
-03/23/12  The Role of the Media in U.S. Elections; Washington, DC
-03/21/12  Current U.S. Foreign Policy Issues; Acting Assistant Secretary Michael A. Hammer, Bureau of Public Affairs; New York, NY
-03/16/12  Campaign Finance in U.S. Elections; Washington, DC
-03/13/12  Election 2012: The Alabama and Mississippi Primaries; New York, NY
-03/09/12  U.S. Foreign Policy: Western Balkans Update; Washington, DC
-03/08/12  Current Trends in U.S. Real Estate Markets; New York, NY
-03/06/12  Election 2012: Super Tuesday; Washington, DC
-03/06/12  The Ohio Primary Election; New York, NY
-03/05/12  Economic Issues in the 2012 Election; New York, NY

-02/27/12  Social Entrepreneurs: Creating Sustainable Solutions and Jobs; New York, NY
-02/23/12  Qu'ran Desecration in Afghanistan; Washington, DC
-02/22/12  African Economic Growth, Investment and Development; Washington, DC
-02/22/12  Promoting U.S. Economic Engagement with Asia; Washington, DC
-02/22/12  The U.S.-Spain Relationship: Global Issues, Economic Cooperation, and Cultural Ties; Washington, DC
-02/15/12  Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C);  Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women's Issues Melanne Verveer; Washington, DC
-02/13/12  Current U.S. Foreign Policy Issues; Washington, DC
-02/01/12  Readout of the Florida Primary and a Look Ahead at the Upcoming Caucuses and Primaries; Washington, DC

-01/31/12  Analyzing the Florida Primary; Washington, DC
-01/30/12  Orientation on Applying for Work Spaces, Sky Boxes, and Stand-Up Positions for National Conventions and Accreditation; Washington, DC
-01/27/12  Asia-Pacific U.S. Military Overview; Washington, DC
-01/23/12  South Carolina Primary Analysis and Looking Ahead to the Florida Primary; Washington, DC
-01/20/12  Preview of the 2012 South Carolina Primary Election; Washington, DC
-01/18/12  Campaign 2012 Moves South: Previewing the South Carolina and Florida Primaries; New York, NY
-01/10/12  Primary Day in New Hampshire: The View from Academia; New York, NY
-01/10/12  Primary Day in New Hampshire: The View from the Editor's Chair; New York, NY
-01/09/12  U.S. Defense Strategy Review and Europe;  Assistant Secretary Philip H. Gordon, Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs; Washington, DC
-01/05/12  Analyzing the Iowa Caucuses; Previewing the New Hampshire Primary; New York, NY
-01/05/12  Readout of the Iowa Caucuses; Latest Polls on the Upcoming New Hampshire Primary; and the State of the Obama Re-Election Campaign; Washington, DC
-01/03/12  2012 Iowa Caucuses Update; Washington, DC