Congresswoman Julia Brownley

Representing the 26th District of California

Full Biography

Julia Brownley was elected to Congress in 2012 to serve as the representative for California’s 26th District, which encompasses most of Ventura County and a portion of Los Angeles County. Brownley was recently appointed to the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs where she plans to work closely with Ventura County’s Veterans community and Naval Base Ventura County, to make sure we provide the services and care our Veterans need in honor of their service to our country.

Brownley began her career in public service as a School Board member in 1994 where she served three terms. She was elected to the California State Legislature in 2006, where she served as Chairwoman of the Assembly Education Committee for four years. In addition to chairing the California Assembly Education Committee, she served on every educational committee in the Assembly including the Committee on Higher Education, Budget Subcommittee No. 2 on Education Finance, and the State Allocation Board.

Assemblywoman Brownley has been awarded numerous honors for her leadership in education and the environment. She was one of just 10 legislators in 2011 with lifetime perfect scores by the California League of Conservation Voters. Brownley has received “Legislator of the Year” awards, the highest honor a legislator can receive, from the California Association for Bilingual Education, the California Council for Adult Education and California Adult Education Administrators Association, the Congress of California Seniors, the California School Boards Association, the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, the California Federation of Teachers, and by the California League of High Schools. Brownley also received the “2010 Environmental Champions Award” from the Environmental Working Group, and was honored as one of "12 Remarkable Women" by the National Women's Political Caucus, Los Angeles Westside in 2008 and as the “Woman of the Year” by the YWCA in 2005.

After graduating with a B.A. in political science from George Washington University and earning an M.B.A. from American University, Assemblywoman Brownley worked in marketing in private industry before finding her true calling in public service. She resides in Oak Park, and has two children, Fred, currently attending UCLA Medical School, and Hannah, who is studying for her Masters degree in Belgium.