Do All Team Members of a CTA Have To Be Small Businesses When Using a Small Business Set Aside?


Why do all members of the CTA have to be small businesses if an agency uses a small business set aside for their requirement?

It seems that Brad and I are receiving quite a few calls on this subject lately. I guess that is to be expected with the inception of discretionary set asides for the GSA schedules program as of November 2011.  Currently, the Small Business Administration (SBA) is working on developing policies in reference to set asides.

Agencies Do better with Small Business Goals on MAS

The GSA Multiple Award Schedules (MAS) program provides agencies with great flexibility to meet and exceed Federal small business spending goals.

(FREE) 2012 GSA Schedules Monthly Webinars

Hi everyone, the monthly webinars have been an outstanding success. The 2012 calendar of upcoming webinars is now available at this shortcut: http://www.gsa.gov/masnews

Remember, the training is FREE, open to industry and government, and designed to help you more effectively use the Multiple Award Schedules program.

Webinar: April 19 Blanket Purchase Agreements and Contractor Team Arrangements

Join us for this Multiple Award Schedules (MAS) training online and receive a training certificate with credit towards your warrant requirements. The target audience for this training is contracting professionals and vendors at all levels who seek to gain understanding or strengthen their knowledge of Blanket Purchase Agreements and/or Contracting Team Arrangements and how they play a huge role in the GSA Schedules program.

Blanket Purchase Agreements: 10:30am - 12:00pm EST
Contractor Team Arrangements: 1:00pm - 2:30pm EST
1 Continuous Learning Point (each)

Video: CTAs (Part 9 of 9)

The Contractor Team Agreement series comes to an end with Video 9 of 9. Continued in this video is the question and answer segment with David Orcutt of GSA and Mark Lee of the MAS Program office. Mark Lee covers a variety of topics from agency responsibilities to prime sub-relationships within a CTA.

To watch this video on YouTube, click here.

Webinar - April 19: GSA Schedule Contractor Team Arrangements (CTAs)

GSA Schedule Contractor Team Arrangements (CTAs)
Register to learn about the benefits of the MAS program, acquisition life cycle, acquisition strategies using GSA Schedules, and more!
Take this Multiple Award Schedules (MAS) training online and receive a training certificate with credit toward your warrant requirements.
Upon completion of this course, you should be able to:
*Identify the purpose and benefits of a CTA
*List the common elements of a CTA

Event details
Thursday, April 19, 2012 - 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Virtual; Adobe Connect

Video: CTAs (Part 8 of 9)

The GSA Training: Contractor Team Arrangements series continues with video 8 of 9. In this video of the webinar, Mark Lee the Policy Chief for the MAS Program office continues with the question and answer session. In this video, Mark provides answers to questions about price offerings, award schedules, awarded Blanket Purchase Agreements (BPAs) and who is eligible for using the CTAs. Stay tuned for next Wednesday as we finish up the CTA series with Video 9 of 9.

To watch this video on YouTube, click here.

Video: CTAs (Part 6 of 9)

Within the 6th video of the Contractor Team Arrangement series, the question and answer session continues. Mark Lee, Policy Chief for the MAS Program office, answers a number of questions regarding CTA scheduling, awards, proper procedures, task orders and legal teaming arrangements.

To watch this video on YouTube, click here.

Video: CTAs (Part 4 of 9)

Video 4 of 9 continues on with the second topic of Establishing & Utilizing a CTA. From the beginning, this video starts with the topic of Ordering Activity’s Responsibilities and ends with explaining the Responsibilities of CTA Contractors and the three areas a CTA should address.

To watch on YouTube, click here.

Video: CTAs (Part 3 of 9)

Video 3 of 9 of the CTA series will finish up the first topic of Contractor Team Arrangement (CTA) Basics and will move onto the second topic where you will learn the in’s and out’s of Establishing & Utilizing a CTA. This video provides lessons of establishing the CTA with proper communication and task management in mind.

To watch the video on YouTube, click here.

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