Tag Archives: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


I’ve seen first-hand the damage smoking does to otherwise healthy people. Many people find quitting smoking one of the hardest challenges they ever face.
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All Soldiers, including active duty, Reserve, and National Guard, are required to be vaccinated against influenza annually. The vaccine will be available at many locations later this month. Photo by Spc. Howard Alperin.

The Army has ordered nearly 2 million doses of vaccine to immunize all soldiers, their families, civilian employees and retirees for the upcoming flu season. The vaccinations will be available at most installations in October, but each medical facility will …
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Most mosquito bites are only an itchy nuisance, but some can lead to West Nile disease, a potentially serious illness. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), this summer and fall are shaping up to be the …
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Pertussis, more commonly known as “whooping cough,” is on the rise in parts of the United States and proper vaccination can protect against this highly contagious bacterial infection. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that pertussis, which causes severe …
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Almost half of TRICARE’s 9.7 million beneficiaries and nearly 15 percent of the military are women. The 2012 National Women’s Health Week is May 13-19, a good time for women to examine their health habits and learn about the women’s …
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