Tuesday, February 19, 2013
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2012 Academic Conference

acad outreach 350Dynamic Change: rethinking NATO Capabilities,
Operations and Partnerships

The Academic Conference is the climax of the Strategic Plans & Policy Division's annual Academic Outreach cycle, which aims to develop and foster ACT's relationships with universities and Think Tanks.

This event, organized in cooperation with the University of Bologna and IAI – Istituto Affari Internazionali, brings together selected ACT Staff with top-level academics and practitioners from both sides of the Atlantic to discuss in depth topics of strategic relevance to the Alliance.

The title of this year's Conference, "Dynamic Change: rethinking NATO Capabilities, Operations and Partnerships," draws from the priorities set at the Chicago Summit and offers the opportunity to identify some of the trends that may shape the future security environment.

The 2012 Academic Conference will take place in Villa Guastavillani, Bologna, on the 26th and 27th of October.

Click here for the Agenda (updated as of October 26th).