The e-newsletter of the COPS Office | Volume 3 | Issue 5 | May 2010

COPS on the Road

The COPS Office participates in numerous conferences, training sessions and workshops across the country. The opportunity to meet with public safety practitioners is key in helping the COPS Office shape new programs and resources. These events are also a great opportunity for law enforcement professionals, municipal officials and community leaders to visit with COPS personnel and acquire the latest publications, training materials and grant program information.

Here’s where you can find COPS staff and resources on the road:

May 10 – Southwest Border/Texas Sheriff’s Conference,
El Paso, Texas

May 11–14 – DOJ’s Internet Crimes Against Children National Conference, Jacksonville, Florida

May 10–15 – National Police Week, Washington, D.C.

May 24–27 – International Association of Chiefs of Police
LEIM 2010 Conference and Expo, Atlanta, Georgia

June 6 – Major Cities Chiefs Meeting, Sun Valley, Idaho

June 11 – U.S. Conference of Mayors, Oklahoma City, OK

June 14–16 – National Institute of Justice Conference,
Arlington, Virginia

June June 25–30 – National Sheriffs’ Association Annual Conference, Anaheim, California

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