Edward E. David

The Presidential historical materials of Edward E. David are in the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration under the provisions of Title I of the Presidential Recordings and Materials Preservation Act of 1974 (44 U.S.C. 2111 note) and implementing regulations. In accordance with the act and regulations, archivists reviewed the file group to identify personal and private materials (including materials outside the date span covered by the act) as well as nonhistorical items. These materials have been returned to the individual who has primary proprietary interest.

Materials covered by the Act have been archivally processed and are described in this register. Items which are security classified or otherwise restricted under the act and regulations have been removed and placed in a closed file. A Document Withdrawal Record (GSA Form 7279 or NA Form 14021) with a description of each restricted document has been inserted at the beginning of each folder from which materials have been removed. A Document Control Record marks the original position of the withdrawn item. Employees of the National Archives will review periodically the unclassified portions of closed materials for the purpose of opening those which no longer require restriction. Certain classified documents may be declassified under authority of Executive Order 13526 in response to a Mandatory Review Request (NA Form 14020) submitted by the researcher.

Biographical Note

January 25, 1925 Born in Wilmington, N.C.

1945 B.S. degree in electrical engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology

1947, 1950 M.S. and Sc. D degrees respectively, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

1950 Joined technical staff of Bell Laboratories

1956 Named engineer in charge of acoustics research, Bell Laboratories

1958 Director of visual and acoustic research, Bell Laboratories

1965 Appointed executive director of communications systems research

August 19, 1970 Nominated to succeed Dr. Lee A. Dubridge as Director of the Office of Science and Technology and Science Adviser to the President

September 14, 1970 Appointment effective

September 18, 1970 Nomination confirmed

January, 1973 Resigned from the White House

January, 1973 Joined Gould, Inc., Chicago, Ill, as a corporation executive

Scope and Content Note

The materials of Edward E(mil) David, Jr. reflect his responsibilities as Science Adviser to the President, Director of the Office of Science and Technology, Chairman of the Federal Council for Science and Technology, and Chairman of the President's Science Advisory Committee.

David succeeded Dr. Lee A. Dubridge in August, 1970 and served for twenty-eight months, until January, 1973. In Current Biography (May, 1974), David's cited accomplishments at the White House were the reorganization of the federal government's scientific complex; initiation of reciprocal research agreements with several countries; reestablishment of a technological partnership between government and private industry; increasing of the federal science budget; and application of esoteric research techniques to such mundane problems of food production, mass transit and the conservation of natural resources.

The files are arranged in four series. The first is the OST White House Files (1962-1973), which is arranged alphabetically by subject after the prefix "White House." Each folder in the series contains a typewritten list of the correspondence in the folder, in reverse chronological order. The materials are now filed in straight chronological order. The first three boxes of materials are file coded "White House - Title Folder" and contain the OST Chron Files. Thereafter, the files are subject files, filed alphabetically and in chronological order. Filed at the end of the series is a subseries of alphabetically arranged administrative files that include David's chron files, materials concerning his writings, speeches and travel, and personal.

Comprising about two-thirds of David's materials are two series that pertain to the New Technology Opportunities (NTO) program which was initiated to stimulate research and development for the application of new technology to national problems including energy, environment, health care, natural disasters and transportation. The NTO Alpha Subject Files [1971-1972] contain correspondence filed alphabetically by subject from industries, educational institutions, professional associations and organizations, and individuals responding to White House letters soliciting ideas for the NTO program. The NTO Numerical Subject Files, [1960; 1969-1972] are arranged under a numerical file code scheme (a copy of the master file index is attached in the appendix). This series contains three subseries filed after the numerically coded materials: NTO Chron Files [1971-1972]; NTO Lawrence A. Goldmuntz Files [1969-1971], arranged alphabetically; and NTO Viewgraphs and Backup Materials [1971-1972].

The final series of David materials is the Frank R. Pagnotta Files [1968-1973], containing the OST Executive Officer's collection of printed reports and Congressional documents. Reports are arranged alphabetically by title, and House and Senate documents by numerical sequence.

David's materials also include 11.5 cubic feet of security investigation files that are not processed. Related materials are in White House Central File subject categories FG 6-9 (Office of Science and Technology); FG 119 (Federal Council for Science and Technology); FG 152 (National Academy of Sciences); FG 164 (National Aeronautics and Space Administration); FG 182 (National Science Foundation); FG 209 (President's Science Advisory Committee); FG 221-18 (Space Task Group); FG 250 (President's Advisory Council on Executive Organization); HE (Health); OS (Outer Space); and NR (Natural Resources). Other related materials are in WHCF, SMOF, Charles L. Clapp; WHCF, SMOF, President's Advisory Council on Executive Organization; WHCF, SMOF, Press Release Office Files; Record Group 220, Records of Temporary Committees, Commissions and Boards [Cabinet Task Force on Oil Import Controls]; and William M. Magruder's exit interview in the Oral History Project files.

Attached as appendices to this finding aid are press releases concerning DuBridge's resignation and David's nomination to replace him; a list of OST personnel; a statement concerning the history, purpose and structure of the OST with an attached chart depicting the White House science structure; a description of the President's Science Advisory Committee; a memo, dated December 7, 1971, concerning program manager responsibilities, including as attachment 2 of the "New Technology" file index; and a memo dated December 9, 1971 regarding a proposed initiative in basic science.

Series Description

Boxes:   1-52
Series:   OST White House Files | Folder Title List
Spans:   1962-1973
Description:   Record types include original incoming and copies of outgoing correspondence; telegrams; memoranda of conversation; press releases; newsclippings and printed materials. Chron files are filed under the heading "White House - - Title Folder"; thereafter files are arranged alphabetically by subject title after the prefix "White House." Topics reflect the entire range of White House science activities including administrative topics (budget, personnel, facilities and organization); policy making; programs, including space; nominations for positions; awards and medals; and numerous issues, among which include energy, environment, unemployment among scientists and engineers, defense related scientific research, health care, oil import controls and the supersonic transport system. This series contains monthly reports of the President's Science Advisory Committee (PSAC) from 1964-1971, and minutes of the President's Committee on the national Medal of Science (1962-1970).

Boxes:   53-76
Series:   NTO Alpha Subject Files | Folder Title List
Spans:   1971-1972
Description:   These files are the "industry files" referred to as item 4 and described on page 20 of the "New Technology" File Index (see copy in Appendix). Contents are responses from businesses, industries, academic institutions, professional associations and organizations, and individual scientists, inventors and businessmen to White House letters soliciting ideas for the NTO program. Arranged alphabetically by company of writer or name of correspondent. Last container of series holds alpha subject files of one of the NTO project managers, R.N. Lindley.

Boxes:   77-122
Series:   NTO Numerical Subject Files | Folder Title List
Spans:   1960; 1969-1972
Description:   Numerically coded subject files (see copy of file code index in Appendix). Record types include correspondence, reports, news and magazine clippings, and audiovisual aids (viewgraphs). Topics include program elements, work schedules, comments from government departments and agencies on the NTO program, Blue Ribbon panel comments, and administration of the NTO program. Three subseries conclude the series: NTO Chron Files (1971-1972), a partial container of carbon and electrostatic copies of Goldmuntz, Magruder and Program Manager Chron Files (item 6 of the NTO File Index); NTO Lawrence A. Goldmuntz Files (1960; 1969-1971) containing his copies of background materials on the NTO program; and NTO Viewgraphs and Backup Materials (1971-1972), including background materials collected by NTO staff member Jim Moore, and viewgraphs pertaining to NTO initiatives, priorities, management, and public relations.

Boxes:   123-137
Series:   Frank R. Pagnotta Files | Folder Title List
Spans:   1968-1973
Description:   Contains reports pertaining to White House science programs and activities, filed alphabetically by title; and House and Senate documents filed by numerical sequence. Report topics include the Federal Ocean Program, science and technology, and the space program; Congressional documents include bills, acts, amendments and reports.

Folder Title List

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