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Big Sun-Diving Comet Discovered
Big Sun-Diving Comet Discovered
Dr. Tony Phillips reports on his personal website -- -- about a newly-discovered comet that may buzz the sun next year.Read More...
Mars Landing Sky Show
Mars Landing Sky Show
On the same night Curiosity lands on Mars, a "Martian Triangle" will appear in sunset skies of Earth. The first-magnitude apparition on August 5th gives space fans something to do while they wait for news from the Red Planet.Read More...
ISS Transit of Venus
ISS Transit of Venus
High above Earth, astronaut Don Pettit is preparing to photograph the June 5th Transit of Venus from space itself. The Expedition 31 crew will be the first people in history to see a Venus transit from space.Read More...
An Alignment of Planets in the Sunset Sky
An Alignment of Planets in the Sunset Sky
The brightest planets in the night sky are aligning for a must-see show in late February and March 2012. You can start looking tonight.Read More...
The Night After Christmas Sky Show
The Night After Christmas Sky Show
On Dec. 26th, Venus and the crescent Moon will gather together for a beautiful night-after-Christmas sky show.Read More...
Super-sized Lunar Eclipse
Super-sized Lunar Eclipse
On Saturday morning, Dec. 10th, sky watchers in the western United States and Canada will witness a total lunar eclipse swollen to super-sized proportions by the Moon illusion.Read More...
Better Than Coffee: Planets Align in the Morning Sky
Better Than Coffee: Planets Align in the Morning Sky
Four bright planets are aligning in the morning sky this week.Read More...
Solstice Lunar Eclipse
Solstice Lunar Eclipse
On the first day of northern winter, when the full Moon passes almost dead-center through Earth's shadow. For 72 minutes of eerie totality, an amber light will play across the snows of North America.Read More...
What's Up Podcasts
What's Up Podcasts
We've built a whole new section devoted to Jane Houston Jone's Popular What's Up podcasts and blogs.Read More...
The Man Behind Comet Hartley 2
The Man Behind Comet Hartley 2
Twenty-four years ago, Malcolm Hartley discovered a comet. Recently, he watched as a NASA spacecraft visited it up close.Read More...
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Last Updated: 27 Dec 2012