Fermi National Laboratory

Site Security Change Questions and Answers

Changes in Fermilab Security

Q: Are Accelerator personnel still the only people allowed to park adjacent to Wilson Hall, Linac, X-Gallery and Transfer Gallery?

A: The parking around Wilson Hall and FCC will continue to be restricted. In fact some spaces along the west side of Wilson Hall will be removed as parking for vehicles.

Q: My mother-in-law likes to occasionally visit my son at the Fermi daycare. Will I still need to get her security clearance when she wants to visit him?

A: No, she will simply need to show her driver's license and tell the officer she is going to the day care center.

Q: I have a valid Argonne Nat'l Labs badge. Is the Argonne badge sufficient to visit the non-public areas?

A: Yes, Argonne/DOE badge is valid.

Q:If I forget my ID badge, will the security officer let me in?

A: Yes, the security officer will check another photo ID (driver's license for example) and let you in.

Q: If I arrive in a limo after "public" hours, can the limo driver enter by the east gate?

A: Yes, the driver will be on a business-related activity and will be admitted at the east gate. Limo drivers can now enter at either gate to pick up employees also. Security should be notified of after-hours pick-ups.

Q: If visitors plan to visit non-public areas of Wilson Hall, do they need visitors' passes?

A: Members of the general public will not be allowed in other areas of Wilson Hall. If a visitor has a business purpose (a meeting with an employee, for example) he or she will be able to access the non-public areas without a visitor's pass.

Q: If accompanied by a Fermilab employee, can visitors go to the 2nd floor Art Gallery? The 15th floor?

A: Yes, they can. They must be escorted by the employee.

Q: Will the public be allowed to drive through the site, in one gate and out the other?

A: NO. Through traffic is not allowed.

Q: Can my non-Fermilab family member go to the Argonne Credit Union without a visitor's pass?

A:Yes, the ACU is within the public area.

Q: Can my non-Fermilab family member meet me at Chez Leon for lunch without getting a visitor's pass?

A: Yes, that is a valid 'family support' reason to enter the site. However, a member of the general public cannot go to the Users' Center.

Q: If my non-Fermilab neighbor is going to an Arts & Lectures Series performance, can he enter at Batavia Road?

A: Yes. Visitors may enter at the Batavia Road entrance or the Pine Street entrance when attending an Arts & Lectures series performance.

Q: My neighbor from Geneva wants to go fishing at Swan Lake. Can she enter the site at Wilson Street?

A: We prefer all visitor traffic enter at Pine Street or Batavia Road. The officers at those two gates are better prepared to handle visitors. The officer at Wilson Street will continue to handle delivery vehicles and construction traffic, which could result in visitor traffic being delayed.

Got a question about upcoming site security changes? Send it to Fermilab Today and we'll publish the answer.

last modified 2/10/2005   email Fermilab