Los Alamos National Laboratory

Science >  LANL Institutes >  Information Science and Technology Center


The Center provides a connection to program management for capability needs and provides IS&T integration and support for mission-critical centers and activities, such as MaRIE and the new Bio-Security and Energy Security centers. It will work to eliminate existing stovepipes and duplication of efforts in IS&T research and development. The Center will also help to coalesce and strengthen nascent IS&T capabilities, as well as to leverage existing, mature capabilities. It will take part in communicating IS&T activities both internally and externally. The Center will advise LANL management on IS&T-related investment strategies.

In addition to exploiting the synergy between computer science and math for high-performance IS&T, the Center will raise visibility of IS&T as a technical discipline at LANL. It will provide centralized shared resources—instruments to enable new capability and enhance scientific creativity. The Center will collaborate with external organizations for general IS&T capability and work with LANL Institutes Office and the Science & Technology Base Program Office to recruit technical staff, students, postdocs, and visitors. It will interface with external sponsors through marketing and outreach activities, including sponsoring workshops, conferences, seminars, and summer schools.

Operated by Los Alamos National Security, LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy's NNSA
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