
Teaching With Documents:
Migration North to Alaska

Modes of Transportation

Alaska's terrain and climate required the newcomers to utilize modes of transportation that were foreign to many of them. These included dogsleds and snowshoes.

  Red Question Mark  Can you think of other modes of transportation that influenced migration?

The Documents

Ready for Trails, Interior
Alaska, Mail Dog Team

Mail Dog Team, Alaska
Click to Enlarge

National Archives and Records Administration
Records of the Post Office Department
Record Group 28


Snowshoe Drawing
Click to Enlarge

Alaska Winter Transportation
Dogsled  Drawing
Click to Enlarge

National Archives and Records Administration
Records of the Office of the Chief of Engineers
Record Group 77

Migration North to Alaska Main Page

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The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272
