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USAID | Indonesia

From the American People

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USAID/Indonesia does not maintain a mailing list or keep resumes on file for future employment vacancies. Applications are normally accepted only for announced position vacancies. Vacancy announcements with information about the position, required qualifications, and application requirements will be posted on this web site and at USAJobs. Please note:

  • USAID/Jakarta does/does not accept summer interns.
  • Persons interested in working for non-governmental organizations active in Indonesia on post-tsunami response may wish to visit
  • Persons interested in working for USAID grantees or contractors should contact those organizations directly.
  • Persons interested in volunteer work on disasters may wish to view information at the Center for International Disaster Information website at
  • USAID/Jakarta cannot accept volunteers.
  • Application form for Local Employee Staff / Family Member can be downloaded in here.

There are no job opportunities at this time. Please check this site again later.