Category Archives: Families

The Graying of American Households

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Tweet Written by: Jonathan Vespa and Jamie Lewis Thomas New statistics released today show that American households are increasingly older, with 39 percent headed by someone 45 to 64 years old. In addition, the percentage headed by someone at least … Continue reading

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A Look at Interracial and Interethnic Married Couple Households in the U.S. in 2010

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Tweet Written By: Rose M. Kreider Marriages among couples of different races or ethnicities have increased from about 8 percent in 2000 to 10 percent in 2010 for householders and their spouses. But what are the most common types of … Continue reading

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$35 billion owed in child support payments

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Tweet Written by: Tim Grall During a time when the number of people living in poverty reached its largest recorded number in 51 years, 28.3 percent of custodial parents found themselves below the poverty level. For many families, the income … Continue reading

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A Slow Economy Can Increase Child Care Provided by Fathers

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Tweet Written by: Lynda Laughlin Changes in the use of father-provider child care is often related to changes in the family and the economy. The recent recession was particularly difficult for men. Men had higher jobless rates than women because of … Continue reading

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More Families Receive Assistance During a Time of Recession

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Tweet Written by: Shelley Irving To help cope with challenging economic times, more people have turned to financial assistance programs.  One such assistance program is TANF, which refers to Temporary Assistance to Needy Families, the program that replaced the Aid … Continue reading

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