Trends on Tuesday: Mobile Changes How We Travel

Business2Community recently released the interesting infographic below with stats from Comscore and other sources regarding how people are integrating mobile into their travel. Highlights from the infographic include:

  • 51% of smartphone owners used their device to access flight or hotel contents (ComScore). Airlines list of mobile-related topics searched by users: prices, schedules and contact details
  • Smartphone usage has almost doubled from 2011 to 2012 for both checking flight schedules and checking-in for those flights!
  • Once at their destination, travelers use their mobile device to keep in touch, take pictures and video, schedule wake up times, make reservations and find directions to attractions.
Agencies like the Transportation Security Administration, the Departments of State and Transportation have already responded to these trends with mobile products aimed at the traveler. These trends prove that agencies with and without travel related missions should consider how they can serve people on the go.


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  1. Aug 31st, 2012 at 18:48 | #1

    It’s Great…!! I have got lot of information to read this topic.. Really awesome information about the successful business..thaks for all this efforts…

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