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Inspection Detail Report

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Cruise Ship: Carnival Pride Cruise Line: Carnival Cruise Lines, Inc. Inspection Date: 06/27/2012 Inspection Score: 100
This cruise ship inspection report lists the deficiencies found during the inspection. Additional information corresponding to each item number is available in the lastest editions of the CDC VSP Operational Manual.

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Item No.: 10
Site: Recreational Water Facilities-Analyzer Chart Recorders
Violation: The sample lines for the analyzer chart recorders for all the recreational water facilities were located after the compensation tanks.
Recommendation: Ensure the sample line for the analyzer probe (monitoring) is either directly from the RWF or on the return line from each RWF and before the compensation tank.
Item No.: 10
Site: Recreational Water Facilities-Flow Meters
Violation: There were no flow meters installed on any of the recreational water facilities and water flow was not monitored.
Recommendation: Install flow meters.
Item No.: 10
Site: Recreational Water Facilities-Flow Meters
Violation: There were no flow meters installed on any of the recreational water facilities and water flow was not monitored.
Recommendation: Monitor and adjust the RWF's flow rates as recommended by the manufacturer and to maintain optimum public health protection and water chemistry.
Item No.: 10
Site: Recreational Water Facilities-Chart Recorders/Data Loggers
Violation: The chart recorders for the whirlpool spas were installed, but were not operational. The installation of the chart recorders for the swimming pools was in progress.
Recommendation: Install chart recorders or electronic data loggers with security features that record pH and halogen measurements for each individual RWF. Ensure the sample line for the analyzer probe (monitoring) is either directly from the RWF or on the return line from each RWF and before the compensation tank. Install appropriate sample taps for analyzer calibration. In the event of equipment failure, measure free residual halogen and pH by a manual test kit at the RWF or return line at least hourly for whirlpool spas, spa pools, children's pools, and wading pools and every 4 hours for all other RWFs. Record manual readings on a chart or log, retain for at least 12 months, and ensure that they are available for review during inspections. Complete repairs on malfunctioning halogen analyzer-chart recorders within 30 days of equipment failure. Provide an audible alarm in a continuously occupied watch station to indicate low and high free halogen and pH readings in each RWF.
Item No.: 10
Site: Recreational Water Facilities-Safety Signs
Violation: The safety signs for all of the recreational water facilities did not include the information required in the 2011 VSP Operations Manual. Staff stated new signs were ordered and shipped in mid-June but not yet received by the ship.
Recommendation: Ensure the signs, at a minimum, include the following words: (1) do not use these facilities if you are experiencing diarrhea, vomiting, or fever; (2) no children in diapers or who are not toilet trained; (3) shower before entering the facility; and (4) bather load #. For children's RWF signs, include the exact wording "TAKE CHILDREN ON FREQUENT BATHROOM BREAKS" or "TAKE CHILDREN ON FREQUENT TOILET BREAKS."
Item No.: 10
Site: Recreational Water Facilities-Safety Signs
Violation: The safety signs for all of the recreational water facilities did not include the information required in the 2011 VSP Operations Manual. Staff stated new signs were ordered and shipped in mid-June but not yet received by the ship.
Recommendation: In addition to the safety sign requirements in section, install a sign at each whirlpool spa and spa pool entrance listing precautions and risks associated with the use of these facilities. Include, at a minimum, cautions against use by the following: (1) individuals who are immunocompromised; (2) individuals on medication or who have underlying medical conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or high or low blood pressure; and (3) pregnant women, elderly persons, and children. Additionally, caution against exceeding 15 minutes of exposure.
Item No.: 10
Site: Recreational Water Facilities-Swimming Pool Antientrapment
Violation: Each swimming pool had two or more gravity drains greater than three feet apart constructed of a standard design and no alarms were installed. Staff showed new compliant antientrapment drain covers which were to be installed.
Recommendation: For RWFs with gravity drainage and multiple drains (2 or more drains greater than 3 feet apart), provide either a standard design (not compliant with ASME A112.19.8) drain cover and an alarm, or an ASME A112.19.8 compliant antientrapment/antientanglement drain cover. Ensure the alarm is audible and sounds in both a continuously manned space and at the RWF. Ensure this alarm is for all draining: accidental, routine, and emergency.
Item No.: 10
Site: Recreational Water Facilities-Alkalinity Monitoring
Violation: Staff were not monitoring the recreational water facilities for total alkalinity. Staff stated a new test kit had been ordered and shipped.
Recommendation: Monitor and adjust the RWF's total alkalinity as recommended by the manufacturer and to maintain optimum public health protection and water chemistry.
Item No.: 11
Site: Medical-Crew Acute Gastroenteritis (AGE) Reporting
Violation: The review of the AGE logs for the last 5 cruises revealed that 2 crew members had onsets of AGE symptoms and worked while symptomatic before reporting to the medical center and 1 crew member worked while on isolation: (1) An assistant waiter had an onset of AGE symptoms on 16 June at 07:00, but did not report to the medical center until 18:21 that same day. According to her time card, she worked from 06:41 to 09:26 and from 16:05 to 18:38; (2) An assistant housekeeping steward had an onset of AGE symptoms on 5 June at 01:00, but did not report to the medical center until 19:10 that same day. According to her time card, she worked on 5 June from 00:03-05:07; (3) A casino dealer had an onset of AGE symptoms on 9 June at 12:00, but did not report to the medical center until 10 June at 17:51. According to her time card, she was on 'medical off' on 9 June from 09:00 - 19:00, but worked from 10 June at 19:29 to 11 June at 02:29, during her isolation period. The staff was unaware of these discrepancies between the dates and times documented in the STARDOCS database and the time card system.
Recommendation: Ensure that employees having AGE symptoms are restricted from work and report to the medical center as soon as having their first AGE symptom.
Item No.: 16
Site: Buffet-Petty Officers & Officers Messes
Violation: The milk in the refrigerator units of the espresso machines were on time control. The refrigerator units were labeled as time control units but the milk and the units were not described on the time control plans. This was corrected.
Recommendation: Maintain a written time control plan(s) that ensures compliance with these guidelines on the vessel and make it available for review during inspections. Post a time control plan at each outlet where time control is used. Ensure plan(s): (1) Includes set-up and discard times for each outlet. (2) List refrigeration and hot holding units (compartments and cabinets) on time control (the physical units must also be labeled as such). (3) Describe or show the flow of potentially hazardous food from when last in temperature control to placement in time control and discard.
Item No.: 16
Site: Buffet-Consumer Advisories
Violation: The Lido deli breakfast menu had a consumer advisory but did not identify with asterisks the animal derived foods that could be served raw or undercooked. Additionally, the consumer advisory at the omelet station was not specific to eggs.
Recommendation: If an animal food such as beef, eggs, fish, lamb, milk, pork, poultry, or shellfish that is raw, undercooked, or not otherwise processed to eliminate pathogens is offered in a ready-to-eat form or as a raw ingredient in another ready-to-eat food, ensure the consumer is informed by way of disclosure using menu advisories, placards, or other easily visible written means of the significantly increased risk to certain especially vulnerable consumers eating such foods in raw or undercooked form. Locate the advisory at the outlets where these types of food are served. Ensure that disclosure is made by one of the two following methods: (1) On a sign describing the animal-derived foods (e.g., "oysters on the half-shell," "hamburgers," "steaks," or "eggs"); AND that they can be cooked to order and may be served raw or undercooked; AND a statement indicating that consuming raw or undercooked meats, seafood, shellfish, eggs, milk, poultry may increase your risk for foodborne illness, especially if you have certain medical conditions. Ensure the advisory is posted at the specific station where the food is served raw, undercooked, or cooked to order OR (2) On a menu using an asterisk at the animal-derived foods requiring disclosure and a footnote with a statement indicating that consuming raw or undercooked meats, seafood, shellfish, eggs, milk, or poultry may increase your risk for foodborne illness, especially if you have certain medical conditions.
Item No.: 16
Site: Room Service-Consumer Advisories
Violation: The breakfast menu had animal-derived foods that could be consumed raw or undercooked but there was no consumer advisory.
Recommendation: If an animal food such as beef, eggs, fish, lamb, milk, pork, poultry, or shellfish that is raw, undercooked, or not otherwise processed to eliminate pathogens is offered in a ready-to-eat form or as a raw ingredient in another ready-to-eat food, ensure the consumer is informed by way of disclosure using menu advisories, placards, or other easily visible written means of the significantly increased risk to certain especially vulnerable consumers eating such foods in raw or undercooked form. Locate the advisory at the outlets where these types of food are served. Ensure that disclosure is on a menu using an asterisk at the animal-derived foods requiring disclosure and a footnote with a statement indicating that consuming raw or undercooked meats, seafood, shellfish, eggs, milk, or poultry may increase your risk for foodborne illness, especially if you have certain medical conditions.
Item No.: 19
Site: Provisions-
Violation: There were several pallets of bottled water, canned beer, cases of bananas, and cases of single-service glasses stored in the transportation corridor. Staff explained that these goods were placed on board two days ago. There was high traffic of personnel around the pallets exposing them to contamination.
Recommendation: Protect food from contamination by storing the food: (1) Covered or otherwise protected; (2) In a clean, dry location; (3) Where it is not exposed to splash, dust, or other contamination; and (4) At least 15 centimeters (6 inches) above the deck.
Item No.: 20
Site: Food Service General-
Violation: The splash zones above the milk steamers of the Scharf espresso machines were open to wires and pipes, making all these areas difficult to clean. There were also slotted fasteners that go in direct contact with the ground coffee. Scharf espresso machines were located in David's Steakhouse Service Bar, Lido Cafe, Piazza Cafe, and Main Dining Room.
Recommendation: Ensure multiuse food-contact surfaces are: (1) Smooth; (2) Free of breaks, open seams greater than 0.8 mm (1/32 inch), cracks, chips, inclusions, pits, and similar imperfections; (3) Free of sharp internal angles, corners, and crevices; (4) Finished to have smooth welds and joints; and (5) Accessible for cleaning and inspection by one of the following methods without being disassembled, by disassembling without the use of tools, or by easy disassembling with the use of handheld tools commonly available to maintenance and cleaning personnel. Use only low profile, nonslotted, noncorroding, and easy-to-clean fasteners on food-contact surfaces and in splash zones. Prohibit the use of exposed slotted screws, Phillips head screws, or pop rivets in these areas.
Item No.: 22
Site: Room Service-Dishwash
Violation: The data plate of the rack-type conveyor dishwash machine had a maximum conveyor speed of racks per hour.
Recommendation: Ensure a warewashing machine is provided with an easily accessible and readable data plate affixed to or posted adjacent to the machine that indicates the machine's design and operating specifications including the conveyor speed in feet per minute or minimum transit time for belt conveyor machines, minimum transit time for rack conveyor machines.
Item No.: 26
Site: Preparation Room-Meat Thawing Room
Violation: The meat grinder was soiled with what appeared to be food debris on the food contact surfaces located where the ground meat exits the machine.
Recommendation: Ensure food contact surfaces of equipment and utensils are clean to sight and touch.
Item No.: 30
Site: Preparation Room-
Violation: There were no paper towels at the handwashing station located in the center of the room. This was corrected.
Recommendation: Ensure each handwashing facility has a supply of hand-cleansing soap or detergent and a supply of single-service paper towels available.
Item No.: 32
Site: Preparation Room-
Violation: The uncovered waste receptacle at the center handwashing station was soiled inside with food debris. This was corrected.
Recommendation: Ensure receptacles and waste-handling containers for refuse and recyclables and for use with materials containing food residue are insect and rodent resistant and have tight-fitting lids.
Item No.: 33
Site: Preparation Room-
Violation: The deckhead panels were soiled with a dark material that appeared to be mold along the profile strip where water was dripping to the deck.
Recommendation: Ensure decks, bulkheads, deckheads, and attached equipment in food preparation, warewashing, pantries, and storage areas are cleaned as often as necessary.
Item No.: 33
Site: Preparation Room-Fish Defrost Room
Violation: Some of the deckhead profile strips were loose, creating seams and gaps. Staff showed a work order where these profile strips were included to be worked on.
Recommendation: Secure the profile strips to seal the seams and close the gaps.
Item No.: 33
Site: Provisions-Dairy Walk-In Cooler
Violation: The deckhead panels were soiled with a pink material that appeared to be mold along the profile strip where water was dripping to the deck.
Recommendation: Ensure decks, bulkheads, deckheads, and attached equipment in food preparation, warewashing, pantries, and storage areas are cleaned as often as necessary.
Item No.: 33
Site: Other-Formalities
Violation: The deck under the self-service candy station was soiled with food debris and dust. This area was previously cleaned and not in operation at the time of the inspection.
Recommendation: Ensure decks, bulkheads, deckheads, and attached equipment in food preparation, warewashing, pantries, and storage areas are cleaned as often as necessary.
Item No.: 34
Site: Preparation Room-
Violation: There was water continuously dripping from the deckhead panels at the center of the room. No food was impacted.
Recommendation: Ensure the plumbing system in the food area is maintained in good repair.
Item No.: 34
Site: Provisions-Dairy Walk-In Cooler
Violation: There was water continuously dripping from the deckhead panels at the center of the room. No food was impacted.
Recommendation: Ensure the plumbing system in the food area is maintained in good repair.
Item No.: 36
Site: Provisions-Bar Store Room
Violation: The light intensity in a few areas was less than 110 lux. Staff showed a work order for lighting issues where this area was included to be worked on.
Recommendation: Ensure the light intensity is at least 110 lux (10 foot candles) at a distance of 75 centimeters (30 inches) above the deck when in use, in walk-in refrigerator units and dry storage areas, and in other areas and rooms during periods of cleaning.
Item No.: 36
Site: Provisions-Frozen Vegetable Walk-In Freezer
Violation: The light intensity in the back right corner was less than 110 lux. Staff showed a work order for lighting issues where this area was included to be worked on.
Recommendation: Ensure the light intensity is at least 110 lux (10 foot candles) at a distance of 75 centimeters (30 inches) above the deck when in use, in walk-in refrigerator units and dry storage areas, and in other areas and rooms during periods of cleaning.
Item No.: 36
Site: Provisions-Meat Walk-In Freezer
Violation: One of the deckhead light fixtures in the center of the walk-in freezer was not working making the light intensity in this area less than 110 lux. Staff showed a work order that was in place to repair the light.
Recommendation: Ensure the light intensity is at least 110 lux (10 foot candles) at a distance of 75 centimeters (30 inches) above the deck when in use, in walk-in refrigerator units and dry storage areas, and in other areas and rooms during periods of cleaning.
Item No.: 38
Site: Preparation Room-Meat Thawing Room
Violation: Staff explained that the meat grinder was not in service because it was not needed and was to be replaced.
Recommendation: Remove the meat grinder.
Item No.: 40
Site: Integrated Pest Management-Rodent Guards
Violation: The rat guards on the mooring lines were not closed, making them ineffective to prevent the passage of vermin crawling along the lines from the pier to the ship.
Recommendation: Install rat guards on the mooring lines according to the recommendations of the manufacturer.
Item No.: 40
Site: Integrated Pest Management-Rodent Guards
Violation: The rat guards on the mooring lines were not closed, making them ineffective to prevent the passage of vermin crawling along the lines from the pier to the ship.
Recommendation: Protect entry points where pests may enter the food areas.
Item No.: 41
Site: Housekeeping-Deck 2 Men Guest Restroom
Violation: There was no means to dispose of the paper tissue provided to grab the handle of the second door exiting the restroom.
Recommendation: Equip the toilet rooms so persons exiting the toilet room are not required to handle the door with bare hands.
Item No.: 41
Site: Housekeeping-Outbreak Prevention and Response Plan (OPRP)
Violation: The OPRP stated the medical center would be sanitized with 1,000 ppm bleach every hour or more to prevent cross-contamination, but did not indicate the surfaces which the disinfectant would be applied to. The plan stated food contact surfaces in the galley would be washed, rinsed, and sanitized with 150-200 ppm and left to air dry. The plan did not specify the disinfectant used and the contact time for this concentration.
Recommendation: Ensure each vessel has a written OPRP that details standard procedures and policies to specifically address AGE onboard. Include in the written OPRP the disinfectant products or systems used, including the surfaces or items the disinfectants will be applied to, concentrations, and required contact times.
Item No.: 41
Site: Housekeeping-Outbreak Prevention and Response Plan (OPRP)
Violation: The OPRP stated small toys in Camp Carnival would be soaked with 1,000 ppm of bleach solution for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes the toys were to be rinsed with clean water and left to air dry, There was no indication of the amount of time or method for rinsing off the high concentration of bleach solution from the toys.
Recommendation: Ensure each vessel has a written OPRP that details standard procedures and policies to specifically address AGE onboard. Include in the written OPRP procedures to protect the passengers from exposure to disinfectants.
Item No.: 41
Site: Housekeeping-Outbreak Prevention and Response Plan (OPRP)
Violation: The OPRP did not include procedures for informing current passengers and crew members of an outbreak, or passengers and crew members embarking the vessel following the outbreak.
Recommendation: Ensure each vessel has a written OPRP that details standard procedures and policies to specifically address AGE onboard. Include in the written OPRP procedures for informing passengers and crew members of the outbreak. Ensure this section also includes procedures for notification of passengers embarking the vessel following an outbreak voyage or segment of a voyage.
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