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Publications Professional & Research Topics Systems of Care SMA-CB-E2002-03
Child Mental Health Initiative Evaluation Findings: Annual Report to Congress 2002

Child Mental Health Initiative Evaluation Findings: Annual Report to Congress 2002

Comprehensive Community Mental Health Services for Children and Their Families Program

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Presents FY 2002 and 2003 evaluation findings from a federally funded program that promotes systems of care for community-based mental health services for children, youth, and their families. Reports on characteristics, service needs and use, and outcomes.

Pub id: SMA-CB-E2002-03
Publication Date: 1/2007
Popularity: 452
Format: Report
Audience: Policymakers, Congress, Researchers, Program Planners, Administrators, & Project Managers
Series: Child Mental Health Initiative (CMHI)
Population Group: Children as Population Group, People with Mental Health Problems as Population Group, Adolescents as Population Group, Families

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Patient and Family-friendly links from NIH