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Home > Missions > Environmental > John Redmond Reallocation Study Final SFES

Public Comments Wanted

Comments must be received by Tuesday, March 26, 2013.

Comments received  will be attached to the Record of Decision and included in the record for this action.

Comments may be sent by mail, e-mail, or fax to:

Ms. Patricia Newell
1645 S. 101st E. Ave.
Tulsa, OK 74128
E-mail: patricia.a.newell@usace.army.mil
Fax: 918-669-7546

Final Supplement to the Final Environmental Statement and Final Report

This Final Supplement to the Final Enviromental Statement addresses alternatives and environmental impacts associated with the reallocation of water supply storage from the flood control pool to the conservation pool at John Redmond Reservoir by permanently raising the conservation pool elevation by two feet from 1039 ft NGVD to 1041 ft NGVD. This proposed action provides a more equitable redistribution of remaining storage capacity depleted as a result of greater influx of sediment than originally expected and the uneven sediment accumulation and distribution within the reservoir. The reallocation study and subsequent report is in response to Congressional Senate Report 106-58 to study raising the conservation pool at John Redmond Dam and Reservoir to meet the terms of two existing water supply agreements with the state of Kansas. Storage available for water supply purposes in John Redmond has been steadily depleted by sediment redeposition such that there is infringement on State of Kansas water supply agreements.

For a .zip file containing all parts click here

Volume I: Final Supplement to the Final Environmental Statement Storage Reallocation John Redmond Dan and Reservoir, Kansas

Volume II: Appendices

Volume III: Final Report for the Water Supply Storage Reallocation John Redmond Dam and Reservoir, Kansas