Case Studies

Afghanistan Fiscal Sustainability Model

Document Type: 
October 20, 2011

This model is meant to help both U.S. and Afghan government officials analyze crucial fiscal issues as part of the lead-up to the 2014 transition/transformation and thereafter. The model includes illustrative simulations and is intended to be enhanced and extended based on ongoing analysis conducted by others.

Egypt's Economic Prospects and Challenges 2009

Attached Document: 
Document Type: 
June 25, 2009

The global economic crisis poses new challenges for the Egyptian authorities, but so far the economy is weathering the crisis better than most. 

Bradesco and Banco Postal’s Business Model in Brazil from FS Series #11

Chemonics International Inc.
Document Type: 
December 1, 2010

Bradesco and Banco Postal’s Business Model in Brazil from FS Series #11 – Innovations in Financial Services Delivery: Branchless Banking
Bank outsourcing and correspondents have been common in Brazil since the 1970s. In 1999, the Central Bank of Brazil revised the framework for bank agents, permitting them to open accounts and accept withdrawals, deposits, and bill payments.

USAID/Colombia MIDAS’s Branchless Banking Program from FS Series #11

Document Type: 
December 1, 2010

USAID/Colombia MIDAS’s Branchless Banking Program from FS Series #11 – Innovations in Financial Services Delivery: Branchless Banking
One of MIDAS’s program components focuses on developing branchless banking regulatory infrastructure and implementing it in rural areas through collaborations with government, banks, and MFIs.

Eko India’s Branchless Banking Model from FS Series #11

Document Type: 
December 1, 2010

Eko India’s Branchless Banking Model from FS Series #11 – Innovations in Financial Services Delivery: Branchless Banking
In January 2006, the Reserve Bank of India issued new guidelines allowing banks to employ business facilitators and BCs to promote financial inclusion and improve outreach.

Opportunity International Bank of Malawi’s Branchless Banking Model from FS Series #11

Chemonics International Inc.
Document Type: 
December 1, 2010

Opportunity International Bank of Malawi’s Branchless Banking Model from FS Series #11 – Innovations in Financial Services Delivery: Branchless Banking
The Reserve Bank of Malawi has produced a National Payment System Vision and Framework document that serves as a blueprint for payment modernization and reform.

USAID/Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Pledge Registry Project’s Securing Financing System Reform from FS Series #10

Document Type: 
December 1, 2010

USAID/Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Pledge Registry Project’s Securing Financing System Reform from FS Series #10: Establishing Modern Secured Financing Systems in Developing Economies
The objective of the USAID Pledge Registry Project, which started in 2002, was to reform BiH's secured financing system.

Introduction of Secured Financing Reform in Rwanda from FS Series #10

Document Type: 
December 1, 2010

Introduction of Secured Financing Reform in Rwanda from FS Series #10: Establishing Modern Secured Financing Systems in Developing Economies
The introduction of secured financing reform in Rwanda was a product of the international communitys policy of increasing access to development finance in Africa.

United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo’s Secured Financing Reform from FS Series #10

Document Type: 
December 1, 2010

United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo’s Secured Financing Reform from FS Series #10: Establishing Modern Secured Financing Systems in Developing Economies

Albania’s Registry Privatization from FS Series #10

Document Type: 
December 1, 2010

Albania’s Registry Privatization from FS Series #10: Establishing Modern Secured Financing Systems in Developing Economies
In 2009, the Albanian Registry of Securing Charges transferred operation of the registry services to a private local company.

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