Always Connecting. Always Recruiting. Your one-stop resource for effective Federal recruiting in today's digital employment marketplace.  
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Welcome to USAJOBSRecruit


USAJOBSRecruit is a website for Federal employees with recruiting responsibilities.  It is designed to create a Federal recruitment community of practice for sharing best-in class recruiting practices, ideas, insights, lessons learned and creating recruiting solutions.  USAJOBSRecruit provides tools (e.g., School Sorter, templates, checklists), job aids, learning modules, information on effective recruiting strategies, and webinars. 

Other special features include recruiting blogs and interactive forums with featured recruiting experts to further foster collaboration and communication among Federal employees with recruiting responsibilities.

If you are a Federal employee with a .gov, .mil,, or email address, we encourage you to become a registered member. 

If you are a job seeker looking for employment opportunities with the Federal Government, go to

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USAJOBSRecruit is an official U.S. Government information system for authorized use only. Unauthorized use of this system or its information is prohibited and could result in criminal or civil penalties. Signing into USAJOBSRecruit indicates that you have read and accepted the full terms and conditions of use outlined in the Participation Policy and that you consent to monitoring and recording.



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