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I read a planet was found on the edge of our solar system called Nbiru. Does it exist? I also read it is supposed to hit Earth. This is scaring me a lot.
The Sun
Where can I find more information on NASA's scientific study of our Sun?
Where can I find information about Earth science?
What is the Bermuda Triangle? What happens there?
Earth's Moon
My friend said that the Moon landing is fake because of the flag. When you put it on the surface, there is no wind so how could the flag move?
How can humans survive on Mars? What are the requirements for humans to survive on another planet?
I believe I found a meteorite. I tested it with the magnet on a string and got a positive reaction. I also took photos. The object matches website photos of meteorites. Now what?
What are the skies of Jupiter like?
Does Jupiter have any influence on the solar cycle? I ask, because both Jupiter's orbit and the sunspot cycle have approximately an 11-year period. Even if Jupiter does not cause the solar cycle, could it control the cycle's intensity?
Beyond Our Solar System
Where can I find more information on NASA's scientific study of our Universe.
Where can I find information on missions to study Earth?
Were any other missions other than New Horizons planned for Pluto?
Where can I find information on missions to study the Sun?
Why do pictures of planets all seem fake/photoshop or computer-generated?
Can I purchase solar system photos from NASA?
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Advisory: Dr. James Green, Director of Planetary Science
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Last Updated: 25 Sep 2012