KEIFER, Joseph Warren

KEIFER, Joseph Warren
Oil on canvas, Charles A. Gray, 1912, Collection of U.S. House of Representatives


KEIFER, Joseph Warren, a Representative from Ohio; born near Springfield, Bethel Township, Clark County, Ohio, January 30, 1836; attended the common schools and Antioch College, Yellow Springs, Ohio; studied law; was admitted to the bar and began practice in Springfield, Ohio, January 12, 1858; enlisted in the Union Army on April 19, 1861; commissioned major in the Third Ohio Volunteer Infantry April 27, 1861; lieutenant colonel February 12, 1862; colonel of the One Hundred and Tenth Ohio Volunteer Infantry September 30, 1862; brevetted brigadier general of Volunteers October 19, 1864; promoted to major general April 9, 1865; mustered out June 27, 1865; resumed the practice of law in July 1865; member of the State senate in 1868 and 1869; commander of the Ohio Department of the Grand Army of the Republic in 1871 and 1872; trustee of Antioch College; delegate to the Republican National Convention in 1876; elected as a Republican to the Forty-fifth and to the three succeeding Congresses (March 4, 1877-March 3, 1885); Speaker of the House of Representatives (Forty-seventh Congress); chairman, Committee on Rules (Forty-seventh Congress); unsuccessful candidate for renomination in 1884; was a major general of Volunteers in the Spanish-American War from June 9, 1898, to May 12, 1899; first commander in chief of the Spanish War Veterans in 1900 and 1901; elected to the Fifty-ninth, Sixtieth, and Sixty-first Congresses (March 4, 1905-March 3, 1911); unsuccessful candidate for reelection in 1910 to the Sixty-second Congress; resumed his law practice; president of the Lagonda National Bank of Springfield, Ohio, for more than fifty years; died in Springfield, Ohio, April 22, 1932; interment in Ferncliff Cemetery.

View Record in the Biographical Directory of the U.S. Congress

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External Research Collections

Library of Congress
Manuscript Division

Washington, DC
Papers: 1850-1865, 6 containers (1,100 items). Collection contains correspondence and military papers relating to his Civil War service. Finding aid is available online.

Clark County Historical Society

Springfield, OH
Papers: 1864-1865, ca. 1 foot. Collection contains correspondence and military papers relating to his Civil War service, family papers, papers and writings from career as a statesman, and other miscellaneous files.

Indiana Historical Society

Indianapolis, IN
Papers: Collection is 6 letters in the William Henry Smith papers.

Syracuse University
The George Arents Research Library

Syracuse, NY
Papers: 1858-1929, 260 items. Collection contains correspondence concerning political issues, Civil War problems, the Spanish American War, and woman suffrage. The correspondence is primarily from 1881-1883 during Keifer's time as Speaker of the House.

University of Virginia
University of Virginia Library

Charlottesville, VA
Papers: In John Levering's recollections of the Civil War, 1884-1891, 2 items. Collection contains copies of correspondence with Joseph Keifer regarding the Cheat Mountain campaign.
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Bibliography / Further Reading

Keifer, Joseph Warren. The Battle of Rich Mountain and Some Incidents. Cincinnati: N.p., 1911.

___. Charges against Boynton and Shaw. [Washington: Government Printing Office, 1884].

___. Did William Shaksper write Shakespeare? Paper read before the Literary Club of Springfield, O., February 10, 1902. Chicago: Open Court Pub.Co., 1904.

___. Memorial Day: Oration of Gen'l J. Warren Keifer, of Ohio: At Arlington National Cemetery: May 30th 1879. Washington: Gibson Brothers, Printers, 1879.

___. Official reports of J. Warren Keifer, Brevet Major General of Volunteers, U. S. A., detailing movements and operations of his command in the battles of Winchester (1863); Brandy Station, Orange Grove, Wilderness, Spotsylvania, Cold Harbor, Petersburg (1864): Monocacy, Opequon, Fisher's Hill, Cedar Creek, Petersburg (1865), and Sailor's Creek, also, prior to and at the surrender of General Lee's army. Springfield: O., Daily republic steam job office, 1866.

___. Ohio's Contribution, Sacrifice and Service in the War.Springfield, Ohio: Republic Printing Company, 1878.

___. The Ohio Democratic Platform Reviewed. The Silver Question, etc. Springfield, Ohio: N.p., 1877.

___. O. K. Columbus: N.p., 1904.

___. Oration at the unveiling of the statue of James A. Garfield. [Washington, D.C., May 12, 1887]. Springfield, Ohio: Globe Co., [1887].

___. Slavery and Four Years of War; A Political History of Slavery in the United States, Together with a Narrative of the Campaigns and Battles of the Civil War in which the Author took part, 1861-1865. 1900. Reprint, Miami, Fla.: Mnemosyne Publishing Company, 1969.

___. Speeches (in part) of Hon. J. Warren Keifer, of Ohio, in the House of representatives, First session, Forty-eighth congress, 1884. [Washington: Government Printing Office, 1884].

Pope, Thomas E. The Weary Boys: Colonel J. Warren Keifer and the 110th Ohio Volunteer Infantry. Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press, 2002.

Randall, Naomi. "The Congressional Career of Joseph Warren Keifer." M.A. thesis, The Ohio State University, 1939.

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