News & Announcements

Navy Family Reenlists

Chief Legalman Stacy Kebe and her husband, Chief Interior Communications Electrician Brenton Kebe participate in a dual reenlistment with Region Legal Service Office Midwest and Center for Surface Combat Systems personnel in attendance.


Lt. Cmdr. Mike Hussey's daughter puts on his new shoulder boards as his son looks on during a promotion ceremony at the Washington Navy Yard. Hussey is assigned to Region Legal Service Office Naval District Washington (RLSO NDW). RLSO NDW and its branch offices are organized into departments and divisions that provide services in the functional areas of trial counsel, command services/administrative law, court reporting, ethics counseling, command administration and legal assistance.

Tax Centers Open

More than 100 Navy tax assistance centers around the world are now open for business, ready to assist Sailors and their family members with filing their taxes. Navy tax assistance centers provide Sailors, other active duty military personnel, dependent family members of active duty personnel, retirees and their dependents with adjusted gross incomes of less than $57,000, DoD civilians working overseas or deployed with the U.S. Armed Forces, and military reservists (in limited cases) free assistance with filing their taxes with support from IRS-trained volunteers. Read More

Code 16 Tax Information