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From the American People

University of Massachusetts - Center for International Education

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The Center for International Education of the School of Education at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst has more than four decades of experience working with educational systems in developing contexts, particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia and Central Asia. CIE is an innovative leader in teacher education systems, non-formal and adult education, community development and empowerment, and recently in the development of degree programs for teachers and educational leaders.   The Center combines management of practical field projects with graduate study. The program offers graduate-level professional training, service, and research opportunities in the areas of international development education; non-formal and popular education and literacy; community development and empowerment; education in fragile states; education policy, planning and leadership; and internationalizing U.S. education.  Guided by a commitment to participatory and learner-centered approaches, CIE has developed innovative projects for education systems development in teacher education, higher education development, community development, and accelerated learning in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.

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