May 5, 2011

Read the meeting transcript

Nebraska Avenue Complex, 3801 Nebraska Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. – Draft Master Plan
(File number MP194)

The National Capital Planning Commission (NCPC) provided comments on the draft Master Plan for the Nebraska Avenue Complex (NAC) in northwest Washington, DC. The NAC Master Plan is designed to accommodate the growth and future needs of the Department of Homeland Security, as part of an overall strategy to consolidate DHS’ operations at 8-10 facilities across the region. The NAC currently houses approximately 2,390 DHS employees in 653,400 gross square feet of building space; the Master Plan proposes to accommodate 4,200 employees in 1.12 million gross square feet over the next 10 years.

The draft plan addresses future land use, open space, historic preservation, transportation and density within different sub-areas of the 38-acre campus. The Commission’s comments will guide the continuing development of the master plan, which will return for final Commission approval at a future date. Comments included the following:

See the Commission Action and Staff Recommendation

Watch the Video
[Begins at 15:42]

Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling, Southeast, Washington, D.C. – Draft Master Plan
(File number MP55)

The Commission reviewed the draft Master Plan for Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling (JBAB). The draft plan is in response to the 2005 Base Realignment and Closure action to unify Naval Support Facility Anacostia and Bolling Air Force Base. The JBAB master plan is intended to provide land use, transportation and design guidance to develop the facility as a single unified installation and accommodate future growth of up to 5,000 people in the next decade.

The Commission commented favorably on the inclusion of development strategies that limit the visual impacts of future base development on surrounding communities, on landscaping standards that help preserve the character of existing base neighborhoods, and sustainability-oriented strategies to guide base development. However, the Commission directed the Navy to provide additional information, respond to requests made by the Department of Homeland Security that may impact development of the St Elizabeths West Campus, including transportation-related issues before the plan returns for final approval:

See the Commission Action and Staff Recommendation

Watch the Video
[Begins at 1:42:23]

Fort Belvoir Post Exchange Shopping Center
(File number 7096)

The Commission reviewed final site and building plans for Fort Belvoir’s Post Exchange (PX) shopping center. The proposed one-story 263,438 square-foot facility is designed to replace three existing retail buildings. The new building would contain Army and Air Force post exchanges, a food court, and a military clothing store. At its April meeting the Commission disapproved the preliminary site and building plans, noting concerns regarding tree loss, connections to adjacent development, parking, and lack of an updated master plan providing appropriate context. The Commission noted that despite receiving additional information from the Army the final plan does not fully address its earlier concerns and disapproved the final plan.

Additionally, while recognizing that a master plan update for Fort Belvoir was underway, the Commission noted that the lack of an approved master plan impairs its ability to ensure the comprehensive planning and orderly development of the National Capital. The Commission reiterated earlier requirements for the applicant to submit an updated master plan, stating that it may find it difficult to approve any future proposals for the base until such time as an updated master plan is submitted.

See the Commission Action and Staff Recommendation

Watch the Video
[Begins at 2:37:53]

Consent Calendar: The Commission voted on Consent Calendar items without staff presentations or public testimony.

Delegated Decisions: Projects for which the Commission delegated decision-making authority to the Chairman, Executive Committee, or Executive Director.