Posts of type: Need To Know

Feb 11, 2011

Need To Know - Team Player

Yesterday, I introduced the “TEAM Act” which provides three separate legislative responses to better align existing federal programs providing publicly-funded systems and supports to focus on one uniform goal – ensuring that every youth with a significant disability has the opportunity, encouragement and support to become gainfully employed in an integrated setting, pursue a post-secondary education, and contribute to and engage in meaningful ways in typical community settings once they leave high school.

Feb 9, 2011

Need To Know - House Keeping

The U.S. House of Representatives will debate a resolution tomorrow directing ten House committees to inventory and review federal agency regulations that may hamper job creation and economic growth. Each year, over 60 federal agencies pass down thousands of new rules affecting every corner of our nation’s economy.

Jan 25, 2011

Need To Know - Back To The Future

With our nation’s future in mind, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a resolution today that would cut non-security discretionary spending back to Fiscal Year 2008 levels for the final seven months of FY 2011. The Democratic-led 111th Congress failed to produce a FY 2011 budget leaving the new GOP Majority responsible for capping this year’s expenditures. Consequently, the House rules for the 112th Congress granted Budget Chairman Paul Ryan of Wisconsin the authority to set these levels.

Jan 19, 2011

Need To Know - "Politics Above Economics"

The so-called “Affordable Care Act” is nothing short of politics above economics. As a newly named Member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, I delivered the following speech today on the House floor in support of legislation to repeal this carelessly crafted health care law. Republicans will work to replace this law with reforms focusing on decreasing costs and protecting middle-class jobs.
