Press Releases

May 11, 2012

Owens, Harper Introduce Bipartisan Bill To Repeal Outdated Requirements For Auto Dealers

“I am honored to co-introduce legislation that reduces federal spending and eliminates burdensome government regulations,” added Harper. “This bill is another step in peeling back outdated and unnecessary rules that businesses must deal with on a daily basis.”

Apr 20, 2012

Harper Names 2012 Art Contest Winners

Issues: Education

“I’m extremely excited with the exceptional number of entries for this year’s competition,” said Harper. “In the past four years, our district has seen tremendous growth in this annual event, which is indicative of the talented young students willing to share their artistic gifts with Mississippians. Seoin and all of the student artists displayed brilliant creativity in their entries.”

Apr 16, 2012

Harper Updates Mississippi Office Locations, Hours

“My desire is to serve the Third Congressional District and the state of Mississippi in a responsive and professional manner. This includes assisting Mississippians when they face challenges in communicating with the federal government and federal agencies,” Harper said. “It’s important that folks have access to my staff and me no matter where they live across the Magnolia State.”

Mar 9, 2012

Harper To Host Military Academy Day

Issues: Defense & Security

U.S. Rep. Gregg Harper (R–Miss.) will host his fourth annual Military Academy Day on Saturday, March 24, 2012, at Madison Central High School. Military Academy Day is a free seminar for students and parents to learn more about America’s military academies, requirements for admission and the congressional appointment process. High school students preparing for college in the approaching years and considering the military service academies option should attend. Junior high students are welcome to participate and no registration is required.

Feb 17, 2012

House Preserves Lower Tax Rates

Issues: Economy & Jobs, Health Care, Spending Cuts & Debt, Tax Reform

“From day one, House Republicans made it clear that we would stand in firm opposition of job-crushing tax increases,” said Harper. “As a result, negotiators included short-term solutions that turn our country from the failed tax-and-spend policies of the White House to the pro-growth reforms necessary to promote job growth and make America more competitive.”

Feb 2, 2012

Bill To Name Noxubee Wildlife Refuge For The Late Sam Hamilton Given Final Congressional Approval

“Sam Hamilton had a long and personal history with the Noxubee National Wildlife Refuge, where he caught his first fish at age 5 and began his conservation career at age 15. Renaming this refuge in Sam’s honor is a fitting tribute to his remarkable career and commitment to wildlife conservation,” Harper said.

Jan 24, 2012

Harper Baffled By President's Energy Policy

Issues: Economy & Jobs, Energy

"I’m astonished that the president would call for an economy built on American manufacturing and energy and an all-of-the-above energy strategy – a Republican initiative – since his actions have never matched such rhetoric."

Jan 18, 2012

Harper Disagrees With Obama Keystone Decision

Issues: Economy & Jobs, Energy

“As gas prices continue to fluctuate amid uncertainty in the Middle East, the president has once again shown that he is out of touch with the American people. Every day that the president hides behind bureaucratic betrayal is another day without jobs and relief from foreign oil.”

Jan 13, 2012

Congress Streamlines Safe Drinking Water Program

Issues: Energy

“This initiative provides smaller communities – the exact areas intended to be reached by this program – with the necessary federal resources to comply with clean water laws,” said Harper, a second-term lawmaker who serves on the Energy and Commerce Committee. “Without these services, safe and clean water for rural Mississippians would be put in jeopardy.”

Dec 9, 2011

EAC: Zombie Agency

Issues: Elections

"The EAC, an obsolete agency that has long outlived its purpose, now has no commissioners, no executive director, and no general counsel. It is a zombie agency, lumbering forward lifelessly devouring taxpayer dollars."
