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HOME Training

Training on the HOME program is offered via two methods: (1) instructor-led, classroom training, and (2) Web-based training. Each type of training is described in more detail below.

Instructor-Led Training
The CPD Training Institute offers a variety of courses and allows you to find training sessions in your area and register online. These courses are designed to share information with community-development professionals, HUD staff, and other stakeholders as they work together to improve and renew America's communities. Visit this site for information about upcoming courses on HOME and other CPD program topics.

Web-based Training (HOME Front)
HOME Front is HUD's Web-based training and technical assistance site for individuals and organizations implementing the HOME Program throughout the United States. Use this site to access a valuable series of interactive training and technical assistance modules. Each module allows you to explore useful HOME topics in your own way and at your own pace, while the navigation bar on the side of the screen gives you continuous access to additional HOME Front resources from anywhere within the site.

Training Materials
HOME training materials and model program guides provide detailed guidance in the area of community development, as well as specific trainings for the HOME Program, such as Building HOME: a HOME Program Primer. HOME Training Materials give support to HUD staff and our PJs. CPD Technical Assistance is also available to our grantees.

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