Top 10 Downloads

The list below shows the most downloaded PDF documents served by the USAID Development Experience Clearinghouse for the last month.

The list is compiled from our server logs and is updated each month.

Click on a Document Identification Number to download the PDF version of the doc, or click on the title to get the complete citation.

The Top 10 Downloaded Reports for November 2012:

  1. PN-ADK-220 - Manual de legislacion ambiental
  2. PN-AAP-424 - Construction industry in developing countries
  3. PN-ACB-240 - How do teachers use textbooks? : a review of the research literature
  4. PN-ADK-649 - Manejo del cultivo de tilapia, Managua, Nicaragua, 31 de julio al 4 de agosto de 2006
  5. PN-ADG-551 - Environmental impact assessment : solid waste treatment center 'Jbeil-Hbaline', Union of Municipalities of Jbeil, Caza of Jbeil
  6. PN-ABD-686 - Experiments in plant tissue culture, second edition
  7. PN-AAN-484 - Livestock production systems and livestock development in tropical Africa
  8. PN-ADL-092 - Customs tariff nomenclature classification (harmonized system)
  9. PN-ADL-196 - Planificacion familiar : un manual mundial para proveedores
  10. PN-ADK-385 - National family health survey (NFHS-3) : 2005-06 -- India volume 1 [main volume]

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