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SRP003774  Honey bee gut metagenome

Study Type: 
Submission:  SRA024572 by on 2010-10-12 10:35:15
Abstract:  Honey bee are key pollinators and food providers worldwide and models for the highly social insects. <p> The scope of the project is to sequence DNA and RNA from bees carrying known or putative pathogens, from individual isolated pathogens, and from uncultured organisms (predominantly bacterial but also eukaryotic) residing in the gut or fecal material. The infected bee data will sometimes be paired with uninfected bee data as controls. The purpose is to provide a public resource for access to this sequence data under a single umbrella project. The total number of data sets is open ended at this point.
Description:  n/a
BioProject:  52851 (primary)
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Total: 6 96.4 M 9.3 G
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