20CR In the news....


06/30/16: The discovery of diaries of an English missionary living in Northland in the 1800s reveals him as New Zealand’s first meteorologist. (NIWA)
06/20/16: Symposium looks at devastation of Flood of 1916. (Citizen-Times USA Today)
06/07/16: Upcoming PRECIS (Providing REgional Climates for Impacts Studies) workshops. (UK Met Office)
01/16/16: Climatologists find ice clues in old whaling ship logbooks (ClimateWire)


(A blog link does not mean PSD endorses either the blog itself or a particular blog article. We provide the link as a courtesy.)

07/15/16: Investigating the Great Flood of 1916 (NOAA news and updates)
06/16/16: Better bad weather with oldWeather (Old Weather Blog)
05/31/16: Too windy for Zeppelins (Old Weather Blog)


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10/20/15: Droughts and shifts in tropical circulation (The Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research i)
03/17/15: Cold-Season Storms and Extreme River Flooding in Belarus (CO2 Science)


(A blog link does not mean PSD endorses either the blog itself or a particular blog article. We provide the link as a courtesy.)

04/11/15: Palm Sunday 1965: Southern Great Lakes ravaged by one of the worst tornado outbreaks on record (United States Tornadoes)
03/30/15: Exploring the NOAA/CIRES Twentieth Century Global Reanalysis Version 2c (NCAR Research Data Archive Blog)
03/30/15: 1938 atmospheric river that caused the Los Angeles flood of 1938 (NCAR Research Data Archive Blog)


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12/15/14: Old ship records to shed light on Arctic ice loss (Reuters)
11/03/14: Using naval logbooks to reconstruct past weather—and predict future climate ( Bulletin of the Atomic Sciences)
09/12/14: News articles relating to the publication: "Recent seasonal asymmetric changes in the NAO (a marked summer decline and increased winter variability) and associated changes in the AO and Greenland Blocking Index." Early access from the International Journal of Climatology
09/04/14: Old ship records used to improve weather forecasts  (Brisbane Times)
09/03/14: Old Ship Logs Reveal Adventure, Tragedy And Hints About Climate (NPR)
08/25/14: How to Track Climate Change? Digitize a Century's Worth of Moldy Old Records  (The Atlantic)
08/19/14: Inland scientists look to old sailors for climate research (ABC Southern Queensland)
06/02/14: 1941: Wettest Year in New Mexico History (Albuquerque, NM NWS Forecast office).
05/19/14: Republican River Flood of May 30, 1935 (Goodland, KS NWS Forecast office)
04/14/14: Continental heat anomalies and the extreme melting of the Greenland ice surface in 2012 and 1889 (abstract: Journal of Geophysical Research .)
04/09/14: Conventional theories about Titanic disaster put on ice: Risk of icebergs higher now than in 1912 (Science Daily)
04/02/14: Melting sea ice off the hook for recent cold winters? (environmental research web)
05/10/14: Podcast: Powering the 20th Century Weather Reanalysis Project (HPCwire)
01/07/14: Elsevier and IEDA Announce Winner of 2013 Data Rescue Competition for Earth Sciences (Wall Street Journal)
01/07/14: Award Program Recognizes Efforts to Protect Geoscience Data (EOS)


09/09/14: New Attempt To Claim More Extreme Weather Not Supported By Data (Not a lot of people know that)
05/20/14: Improving the weather from 96 years ago (NCAS's Climate Lab Book)
04/15/14: Citizen Science Tuesday: oldWeather (Cool Green Science)


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09/13/13: Rising Mercury No Illusion, Finds Novel Data Analysis.  (Berkeley Lab)
09/09/13: NERSC Calculations Provide Independent Confirmation of Global Land Warming Since 1901. (Science News)
07/30/13: Independent observations corroborate surface air temperature record. (AGU)
06/11/13: Rum Stained Logs Could Hold Key To Dust Storms. (University of Southern Queensland News)
04/20/13: First independent confirmation of global land warming. (Frontline: India's National Magazine)
04/09/13: New study gives first independent confirmation of global land warming. (NOAA Research News Releases)
04/12/13: CU-Boulder-led study confirms warming, without thermometers. (Boulder Daily Camera)
04/10/13: New Method Proves-Again-Climate Change Is Real. (Scientific American)
03/22/13: Predicting future climate change may lie in the past. (The Globe and Mail)
02/13/13: Residents In The East Contributing To Weather Prediction. Cumulonimbus, a Canadian weather research company, is teaming up with meteorologists at the University of Washington to turn your smart phone and tablet in to a portable weather station.... (WITN TV)
02/05/13: Video: Ship Logs Document Climate Change. (Weather Channel)


(A blog link does not mean PSD endorses either the blog itself or a particular blog article. We provide the link as a courtesy.)

11/12/13: The "White Hurricane" Storm of 1913:A Numerical Model Retrospective. (National Weather Serice CRH)
09/10/13: An independent confirmation of global land warming, not using temperatures from meteorological stations. (Thought Fragment)
05/27/13: Global warming: What about the heat-island effect? (Summit County Citizens Voice)
04/04/13: NWS Dodge City: Revisiting the Spring Blizzard of 1938 -- 75 years later (KGYN Radio news)
04/13/13: Are surface temperature records reliable? (advanced version) and intermediate version. (Skeptical Science)
04/13/13: Global Warming Over Land Is Real: CU-Boulder, NOAA Study. (Watts Up With That)
04/12/13: Global Warming Over Land Is Real: CU-Boulder, NOAA Study. (The Huffington Post (from Daily Camera)
04/15/13: The Green Optimistic: NOAA Study Demonstrates Global Warming Over Land is Real. (The Green Optimistic)
04/08/13: A Preliminary Look at Compo et al (2013). (Watts Up With That)
04/08/13: Land Surface Warming Confirmed Independently Without Land Station Data. (Skeptical Science)
04/08/13: Byrd Came Oh-So-Close, But Probably Didn't Reach North Pole  (Ideas, Inventions And Innovation)


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10/24/12: Launch of Old Weather Arctic Website: http://www.oldweather.org 
09/13/12: The journal article World Meteorological Organization Assessment of the Purported World Record 58°C Temperature Extreme at El Azizia, Libya described at USA Today Story: Death Valley now the hottest spot in the world , the British Met office blog: Where's the hottest place on Earth? and Popular Mechanics: A Century Later, Death Valley Finally Sets a World Heat Record uses 20CR as part of the line of evidence. 
04/07/12: The Panhandles' Only F5 Reconstructing the April 9, 1947 Higgins-Glazier Tornado (NWS Amarillo Office, NOAA)
02/24/12: Prevent Climate Change Research in US Dying from Lack of Financial Support (International Environmental Data Rescue Organization (IEDRO))
02/10/12: NOAA Halts Reconstruction of Past Climate (Scientific American)
01/01/12: Volunteers Plug Holes in the Climate Record (Scientific American)


(A blog link does not mean PSD endorses either the blog itself or a particular blog article. We provide the link as a courtesy.)

12/23/12: nationalcalamityeaster1913flood.blogspot'Our National Calamity': The Great Easter 1913 Flood (nationalcalamityeaster1913flood.blogspot)
10/24/12: How long-dead Arctic explorers are helping to improve climate science (Outside Magazine)
10/14/12: Way Too Much Weather: Ryan Hanrahan's Blog: Fujiwhara and Northeast Hurricanes
03/03/12: Analysis of the oldWeather data (Old Weather Blog)


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12/01/11: Extreme Weather More Frequent in Northern Europe (Lucas Laursen, Journalist)
11/10/11: MU professor creates 3-D computer model to explain 1911 storm (Missourian)
11/09/11: Recovering Weather Data from Arctic Expeditions (International Environmental Data Rescue Organization (IEDRO)
10/17/11: Transcending Time: Great Long-Term Datasets (Wired Science)
10/11/11: How ACRE recovers historical weather data (GEO: Group on Earth Observations)
09/28/11: PMU researchers examine 1911 day of wild weather. (Columbia Daily Tribune)
09/15/11: Project Seeks To Recreate The World's Past Climate (Irish Weather Online)
09/12/11: Recovering historical weather data (Geology Times)
06/20/11: NERSC Honored for HPC Innovations Excellence (NERSC)
05/23/11: Why has the weather gone cuckoo? (Philidelphia Inquirer)
02/23/11: Global warming, extreme events and weird weather (Washington Post: response)
02/23/11: Letter to the Wall Street Journal Editor: Severe Weather Is Driven by Many Factors (Response)
02/22/11: When Weather and Climate Gets Cloudy (Climate Central)
02/22/11: Is the weather getting weirder or not? (Weather Channel)
02/04/11: Old Weather is Shedding New Light on Climate (Climate Central)
02/04/11: Rescuing the Earth's Weather History. (NYTimes Green Blog)
01/26/11: An Atmospheric Time Machine. (Discovery News)
01/26/11: Researchers assemble climate data for the 20th Century Reanalysis Project. (Green Blorge)
01/24/11: EurekAlert: The 20th Century Reanalysis Project: A time machine for climate scientists. (EurekAlert)
01/03/11: January 1886 Blizzards --125 years later (KYGN Radio News)
01/03/11: Volunteers around world putting old weather data online (Baltimore Sun)


(A blog link does not mean PSD endorses either the blog itself or a particular blog article. We provide the link as a courtesy.)

11/11/11: Recovering Weather Data from Arctic Expeditions (IEDRO)
07/06/11: New Zealand gets its money's worth. (Old Weather Blog)
02/23/11: When Weather and Climate Gets Cloudy (Climate Central)


09/01/08: Bridging the Gap between Science and Weather. (SciDAC Review)