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NIST Image Gallery

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Image Gallery: About

General Information

The NIST Image Gallery contains both photographs and graphics related to the work of the National Institute of Standards and Technology. Major topics include research areas such as nanotechnology, homeland security, biotechnology, electronics, manufacturing, chemistry, physics, materials, construction, fire, and computer science; NIST buildings and facilities; portraits of selected NIST senior staff members, and historical photos.

The images contained in this gallery are available for illustrating descriptions of NIST programs. Some of the photographs available through this gallery are owned by the photographer who took the pictures, not by NIST. These photographs are marked as copyrighted and can only be used for free for editorial purposes where the photo is accompanied by text or a caption mentioning NIST programs. All other uses require permission from the photographer.

NIST does not endorse commercial products. NIST images should not be used to imply any such endorsement.


The code for this site was originally written by Kevin Broun, currently at the National Cancer Institute of the National Institutes of Health.

Contact Information

To contact NIST staff about the NIST Image Gallery, please send email to, (301)975-6478.

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