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Operational Analysis Conference

The sixth NATO Operational Analysis (OA) Conference took place 13-14 June 2012, hosted at the NATO Consultation, Command and Control Agency (NC3A), in The Hague, Netherlands.


This year's conference consisted of plenary and breakout sessions based around a central theme of 'Evidence Based Support to Decision Makers.' The conference at times split into two sub-topic streams encompassing: "Support to Decision Makers in Operations and Assessment" and "Support to Decision Makers in Capability Development."


The Operational Analysis Conference brings together the analysis community from NATO commands and agencies, national defence research organizations, academia and industry.

Language and Classification:

The program is "NATO Unclassified" and is presented and published in English during the conference.

Conference Coordinator:

Mr Alex Smethurst, Tel +1(757)747-4271, email alex.smethurst@act.nato.int

Pre-Conference Workshop:
'Operational Analysis and Operational Research in a Restructured NATO'

This year, prior to the conference on 12 June, we also hosted a one-day workshop entitled "Operational Analysis in a restructured NATO." The aim of this workshop was to discuss a vision for the use of OA across NATO bodies and headquarters and identify actions needed to deliver it, with the target of influencing on-going Agency Reform and NATO Command Structure PE implementation. This workshop was open to participants from NATO, NATO Nations and NATO accredited Centre's of Excellence.