Monday, February 18, 2013
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homepage 10yrs NATO Homepage ACT Homepage

e-Management Architecture for Global Education and Training

e-nato logo625This portal is providing everyone who is dealing with or involved in education and training access to already available information in a structured and logical way.

NATO Education & Training

JFT / JETE Organization
e-Learning Portal
01_organizationFind a contact, see the structure
05a_elearningFind out more about NATO's e-Learning programme.
Exercise & Evaluation
NATO Training Group
02_exerciseNATO plans and conducts education, individual and collective training, exercises and evaluation at strategic level
06_ntg Access the NATO Training Group Portal (password required)
Calendar / Events
03_facilitiesLearn more about our Institutions and Partners
07_calendarFind out about the “where” and “when” for upcoming Events
Policy & Standards
Acronyms / Definitions
04_policy_standardsLearn more about our basic documents
08_acronymsFind out about the used Acronyms and Definitions on this page.
JFT Speeches
JFT Focus Archive
10_archiveAccess the archive of previously published articles and information.

eitepNATO logo

logo elearning-med

e-ITEP Overview

khantry design

JFT Focus