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Solar System Exploration
Science & Technology
Technology Assessment Reports
Guidance, Navigation, and Control Technology Assessment for Future Planetary Science Missions Part II. Onboard Guidance, Navigation, and Control (GN&C)
Guidance, Navigation, and Control Technology Assessment for Future Planetary Science Missions Part II. Onboard Guidance, Navigation, and Control (GN&C)
This document-Part II, Onboard Guidance, Navigation, and Control-is the second in a series of three technology assessments evaluating the capabilities and technologies needed for future missions pursuing SMD PSD's scientific goals.Read More...
Guidance, Navigation, and Control Technology Assessment for Future Planetary Science Missions / Part I. Onboard and Ground Navigation and Mission Design
Guidance, Navigation, and Control Technology Assessment for Future Planetary Science Missions / Part I. Onboard and Ground Navigation and Mission Design
Advancements in guidance, navigation, and control (GN&C) and mission design- ranging from software and algorithm development to new sensors-will be necessary to enable future missions.Read More...
Assessment of Planetary Protection and Contamination Control Technologies for Future Planetary Science Missions (January 2012)
Assessment of Planetary Protection and Contamination Control Technologies for Future Planetary Science Missions (January 2012)
In January 2012, an updated review of technology needs in Planetary Protection and science contamination control was conducted at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.Read More...
Extreme Environment Technologies for Future Space Science Missions (September 2007)
Extreme Environment Technologies for Future Space Science Missions (September 2007)
The Planetary Science Division of the Science Mission Directorate, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), supports a technology planning effort at JPL, whose goal is to identify the technologies needed for future missions.Read More...
Planetary Protection and Contamination Control Technologies for Future Space Science Missions (June, 2005)
Planetary Protection and Contamination Control Technologies for Future Space Science Missions (June, 2005)
A review of technology needs in Planetary Protection and science contamination control was conducted at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.Read More...
Energy Storage Technologies for Future Space Science Missions (November, 2004)
Energy Storage Technologies for Future Space Science Missions (November, 2004)
The goal of the study was to assess the potential of advanced energy storage technologies to enable and/or enhance next decade (2010-2020) NASA Space Science missions, and to define a roadmap for developing advanced energy storage technologies.Read More...
Solar Cell and Array Technologies for Future Space Missions (June, 2002)
Solar Cell and Array Technologies for Future Space Missions (June, 2002)
NASA's Office of Space Science (OSS) requested JPL to lead a team to delineate the power requirements for potential NASA space science missions and assess the capability of the present solar cell and array technologies.Read More...
Advanced Radioisotope Power Systems Report (March, 2001)
Advanced Radioisotope Power Systems Report (March, 2001)
This summary report is the result of reviewing the power requirements for future NASA science missions and providing a technical assessment of the radioisotope power conversion technologies being considered for these future NASA missions.Read More...
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Last Updated: 31 Jan 2013