

Join CWPPRA - Make a Difference; Educate

Learn how CWPPRA helps with education in local schools.

Returning Marshlands to Magnificent Life

Learn about hydrologic restoration techniques that CWPPRA uses to protect coastal Louisiana.

CWPPRA - Rebuilding Coastal Louisiana

What is CWPPRA? Learn about saving coastal Louisiana through the Coastal Wetlands Planning Protection and Restoration Act.

Marsh Creation - Step by Step

CWPPRA's efforts to save Marsh Island in south central coastal Louisiana

Meet the CWPPRA Task Force

Learn about Louisiana's coastal restoration efforts through CWPPRA (the Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection and Restoration Act). As CWPPRA celebrates its 20th anniversary, Task Force members explain why restoration is essential to Louisiana.

Job Creation for Coastal Restoration - National Wildlife Federation Stories from the Coast

According to the 2000 U.S. Census, more than half of Americans live within 50 miles of a coast and by 2025, 75 percent will. And in 2007 a study revealed that coastal counties provided half of US gross domestic product and 40% of the nation's jobs. But America's coastlines are in danger. Over development, harmful pollution, and massive erosion are shrinking and damaging our beaches, marshes, and estuaries. Without these precious resources our communities will become more vulnerable and and will lose their economic sustainability.

Louisiana Coastal Land Loss Simulation 1932 through 2010

Louisiana Coastal Land Loss Animation

Coastal Louisiana: Impacts of Hurricanes on Salt Marsh and Mangrove Wetlands

This video describes research conducted by Dr. Karen McKee, USGS Research Ecologist, and her university partners, Dr. Irv Mendelssohn (Louisiana State University) and Dr. Mark Hester (University of Louisiana at Lafayette). They are studying the effects of hurricanes on marsh and mangrove wetlands in the Mississippi River Delta.

Effects of Sea-Level Rise on Coastal Wetlands in the Mississippi Delta

This video describes research being conducted by Dr. Karen McKee, USGS Research Ecologist, and her university partner, Dr. Julia Cherry. Their goal is to better understand the effects of sea-level rise and other global change factors on coastal wetlands in the Mississippi River Delta.

The Floating Marshes of Louisiana: A Unique Ecosystem

In the Mississippi River Delta Plain, there are large expanses of floating marsh, which are the focus of this video. This unique ecosystem is dominated by a variety of grasses and forbs, which can create a buoyant mat that floats on a layer of water. How these marshes form and some of their unique features are described.

What Lies Beneath: Using Mangrove Peat to Study Ancient Coastal Environments and Sea-Level Rise

This video describes how scientists study past changes in sea-level and coastal environments by analyzing mangrove peat. Mangrove islands located off the coast of Belize are underlain by deep deposits of peat (organic soil), which retain a record of past sea level, vegetation, and climate. By studying past changes in sea level and how intertidal ecosystems, such as mangroves, have responded to these changes, we can better predict what will happen in the future as sea levels increase.