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Democracy and Civil Society


Building European Partnerships Through Music

The U.S. Air Forces in Europe Band joins bands from seven other nations in Bremen, Germany, at the Musikschau Der Nationen (Music Show of the Nations) to ...

Texts & Transcripts

Secretary Kerry on Gambia’s National Day

Secretary of State John Kerry sends best wishes to the people of the Gambia as they celebrate their national day on February 18.

State’s Baer at OSCE on Internet Freedom

Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Daniel Baer says the United States champions Internet freedom because it recognizes the applicability online of longst...

White House on Visit of Japanese Prime Minister Abe

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will visit President Obama at the White House on February 15.



U.S. Presidential Transitions: Second Terms

Second-term presidents need a strong administration because they often face tougher challenges working with Congress, whose leaders are familiar with the ...


The U.S. Presidential Inauguration: An Exceptional Tradition

The rules for inaugurating U.S. presidents developed over time. Many traditional practices are not required by law but were introduced thanks to the perso...


The Americans with Disabilities Act in Action

Signed into law in 1990, the Americans with Disabilities Act continues to provide equal access and equal opportunity for all Americans — including those w...



The NGO Handbook

Have you ever seen a problem and wanted to do something about it? Of course you have. The schools, police, government welfare offices, churches and famili...


Women in the World Today

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton has written the introduction to this publication, which examines women’s issues around the world, and U.S. Ambass...


eJournal USA: Youth Votes! The 2012 U.S. Elections

Young U.S. voters affirm American values but are different and have different attitudes than previous generations.



Changing Mindsets Is Needed to End Sexual Violence

Changing mindsets is one of the biggest hurdles in overcoming violence against women, Melanne Verveer says.


Secretary Kerry Praises “Milestone” Election in Jordan

The election of Jordan's new House of Deputies on January 23 is "an important milestone" in the country's political reform process, says Secretary of Stat...


Dominican Republic’s 1st Female Combat Pilot Attends School

Taking a break from catching drug dealers, Captain Maria Tejada-Quintana graduates with 278 fellow students from the Inter-American Squadron Officer Schoo...

Photo Galleries


Historic Inaugurations

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve...


Famous (and Not-So-Famous) Refugees Making a Difference

Images of refugees who have overcome obstacles to achieve success and recognition in their new U.S. communities and beyond.


Evolving Media and a Free Press

Take a look at developments in media technology since the 18th century and how they were put to use by reporters enjoying freedom of the press.



Introducing U.S. Ambassador to UNVIE Joseph Macmanus

The new U.S. ambassador to international organizations in Vienna says hello.


Introducing U.S. Ambassador to Pakistan Richard Olson

"I am honored to serve in Pakistan, because I understand and respect the important role that Pakistan plays in the region, and in the world," U.S. Ambassa...


Obama, Clinton on Freedom of Expression

President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton discuss what freedom of expression means.