Illinois Commences Development of Statewide HIV/AIDS Plan


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David Ernesto Munar

David Munar AIDS Foundation of Chicago

In a recent article Exit Disclaimer, my colleague at AIDS Foundation Chicago Exit Disclaimer, Keith R. Green, profiled efforts underway in Illinois to develop a statewide operational plan aligned with the National HIV/AIDS Strategy. Keith frankly observes that “coordinated efforts at the national level will only produce small results without similar coordination within local jurisdictions.”

I thought it was particularly timely to share his article given that on Tuesday I participated in a meeting that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) convened to discuss the development of state HIV/AIDS plans. Joining me at this meeting were representatives from the community, the National Alliance of State and Territorial AIDS Directors Exit Disclaimer(NASTAD) and the Urban Coalition for HIV/AIDS Prevention Services (UCHAPS), several state AIDS directors, local health department representatives, and others. The National HIV/AIDS Strategy is, afterall, a national and not merely a federal strategy. So the strategy counts on contributions to this national effort from all sectors, including state and local governments.  In recommending that the States develop individual HIV/AIDS plans, the Strategy suggests:

The purpose of State plans would be to enhance coordination between planning and resource allocation activities, which are often siloed in a way that separates prevention and care…In developing their plans, States will also be encouraged to identify all Federal, State, and local resources, and to the extent feasible, private and nonprofit resources to ensure that all HIV/AIDS resources are allocated in the most efficient manner to address the full range of prevention, care, and social service needs. talked with James Albino, the Senior Program Manager in the White House Office of National AIDS Policy about this post and he told us that “. . . shortly after the launch of the National HIV/AIDS Strategy I began visiting communities from LA to Dover, DE to encourage them to look at ways to implement the Strategy at the local level.  I am pleased that Illinois is in the forefront of this important effort and hopeful that their efforts might serve to inform and inspire other States to pursue similar plans.”


  1. Sandy says:

    Loved to see that coordination is happening. How can I get a copy of the Plan.

  2. Naomi says:

    We all appreciate these efforts very much. My sister lives is Illinois and her older son has HIV. The younger one is in his teens and they areafraid he may follow the same path. I think prevention and education should be delivered on larger scale.

  3. Lauren says:

    I think it’s wonderful to see states following the national lead in developing strategic plans for HIV & AIDS. While the specific nature of the epidemic may vary from state to state, officials in the process of developing strategic plans for their state may find useful this database of international strategic plans:

    Particularly interesting is to look at how early-adopters–countries who have had a strategic plan for many years–have modified their plans over the course of the epidemic.

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