Publications Treatment, Prevention, & Recovery Drug Testing SMA12-4079
TIP 31: Screening and Assessing Adolescents for Substance Use Disorders

TIP 31: Screening and Assessing Adolescents for Substance Use Disorders

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Presents guidelines for screening and assessing teens for alcohol abuse and drug abuse problems. Discusses assessment for referral and treatment, confidentiality laws, screening and assessment in juvenile justice settings, and screening and assessment tools.

Pub id: SMA12-4079
Publication Date: 6/2009
Popularity: 17
Format: Guidelines or Manual
Audience: Prevention Professionals, Educators, Professional Care Providers, Law Enforcement
Series: TIP Series - Treatment Improvement Protocols (TIPS)
Population Group: Adolescents as Population Group, Children as Population Group

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Customer Comments

Comment by:

08/23/2012 5:26 PM

A professional from a School/University said:

I am teaching a course in Assessment of Chemical Dependency and would like to use this as a resource.

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10/04/2012 9:34 AM

A professional from a Other said:

provides the contents and guidelines to learn and help this population

Comment by:

10/25/2012 9:27 PM

A professional from a School/University said:

We actually use this book in a couple different classes that I have taken and I am very happy to learn more from this book and others like it..

Comment by:

12/14/2012 6:40 AM

A professional from a School/University said:

This is a great publication to help me keep up with some things that classes don't always get into, also I have a child a eight year old son, who I want to help. if I can, to avoid or at least be informed .