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Thank you for visiting Greening the Apple, the Environmental Protection Agency’s New York City blog. Our blog aims to increase communication, participation and engagement with everyone interested in environmental and public health issues around NYC.

Greening the Apple is written by EPA employees at all levels of the organization, from senior leadership to summer interns. We may also occasionally feature environmental experts from outside EPA as guest bloggers. The opinions and comments expressed in Greening the Apple are those of the authors alone and do not reflect an Agency policy, endorsement, or action and EPA does not verify the accuracy or science of the contents of the blog.

Behind the rules, regulations and bureaucracy, government agencies are made up of people – real people. Greening the Apple serves to highlight the variety of interests and personalities that are represented by our diverse staff in the New York area. The blog is also a forum in which new voices and perspectives are encouraged to join in the conversation regarding urban environmental issues in and around the New York metro area. We value your feedback and encourage you to comment, subscribe to our feed and become a vital part of our community.

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If you have general questions that are not specific to this blog regarding EPA Region 2 in New York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands and eight tribal nations, contact us here.