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Statuesque Symbolism: Liberty Island Mirrors NYC’s Diverse Composition

2011 June 3

Statue of LibertyBy Kasia Broussalian

Even though the trip along the Hudson River to Liberty and Ellis Island is known as one of the most “touristy” things you can do while visiting New York City, I love the entire experience—ferry ride included. Eight months ago, I moved from Boulder, Colorado to New York City, and although I have visited Liberty Island three times since the move, it has yet to lose its appeal. Two weekends ago, with my very excited mother in tow, I took another trip out there: neither of us was disappointed, despite the long wait through security near Battery Park. I am always impressed by how many people from different cultures take the same trip. The ferry out is a sort of microcosm for the city in general; so diverse, you can’t help but be exposed to something new each time. My mother was reminded of her first trip to New York City when she emigrated from Poland over 30 years ago.

One of the greatest environmental concerns in the city includes managing the requirements of the city’s enormous population. This concern is greatly impacted by the extraordinary numbers of tourists that flock to the city year round in rain, wind, snow or sun. The two people shown in this photo, just two of hundreds visiting the Statue of Liberty in March 2011, are just an example.

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