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ESPO > ARCTAS > Flight Docs

ARCTAS - Flight Docs

Date B-200 DC-8 P-3
  Flight Plan Flight Report Flight Plan Flight Report Flight Plan Flight Report
2008-07-13 X X
2008-07-10 X X X X X
2008-07-09 X X X
2008-07-08 X X X
2008-07-07 X X
2008-07-06 X
2008-07-05 X
2008-07-04 X X
2008-07-03 X X X X
2008-07-02 X X X X
2008-07-01 X X
2008-06-30 X X X X
2008-06-29 X X X X X X
2008-06-28 X X X X
2008-06-26 X X X X
2008-06-24 X X X X
2008-06-22 X X X X
2008-06-20 X X
2008-06-19 X
2008-06-18 X X
2008-04-20 X
2008-04-19 X X X X X X
2008-04-17 X X X X
2008-04-16 X X
2008-04-15 X X X X
2008-04-13 X X X X
2008-04-12 X X X X
2008-04-10 X X
2008-04-09 X X X X X X
2008-04-08 X X X X X X
2008-04-06 X X X X
2008-04-05 X X X X
2008-04-04 X X X X
2008-04-03 X X
2008-04-01 X X X X
2008-03-31 X X X
2008-03-30 X
2008-03-27 X X
2008-03-25 X X
2008-03-24 X
2008-03-20 X
2008-03-18 X
2008-03-17 X X X
2008-03-15 X
2008-03-13 X

DC-8, P-3, and B-200 research flights during the ARCTAS spring deployment1

Flight #



Special features3




April 1

TES and MLS validation, Asian pollution



April 4

OMI BrO validation



April 5

Summit spiral, OMI BrO validation, North American plume



April 8

Prudhoe Bay overpass, P-3B intercomparison, Eureka spiral, OMI BrO validation



April 9

OMI validation, coordination with B-200, missed Barrow landing


Fairbanks local 1

April 12

Asian plume, missed Barrow landing, intercomparison with NOAA P-3


Fairbanks local 2

April 16

Asian plume, coordination with B-200


Fairbanks local 3

April 17

N. Pole flight, Asian and European plumes, missed Prudhoe Bay approach



April 19

MLS/CALIPSO underflights, P-3 intercomparison, Asian pollution




March 31

CO structure at several altitudes over & S of Great Lakes. Arctic haze aerosols, incl dust.



April 1

CO & aerosol plume as predicted by models. Spiral & legs under CALIPSO, OMI track.


Fairbanks local 1

April 6

Spiral & legs under B-200 & CALIPSO, OMI. Square spiral & radiation legs. Albedo, BRDF at Elson Lagoon.



April 8

DC-8 comparison in stairsteps. Spiral over Eureka during CALIPSO, OMI OP. Albedo, BRDF.



April 9

Square spiral on CALIPSO, OMI track. BRDF & albedo, ice & cloud. AOD gradient & stack. CO & aerosol structure in predicted plume.


Fairbanks local 4

April 13

Cloud albedo & BRDF. In situ aerosol & CO in Asian transport episode to test models.


Fairbanks local 5

April 15

Comparison & radiation stack w NOAA P-3 under B-200. Cascade impactor. Albedo, BRDF at Elson Lagoon with surface-based meas. Zero ozone over open leads. 6 special albedo sites. Radiation leg on CALIPSO, OMI track.


Fairbanks-Moffett Field

April 19

DC-8 comparison on CALIPSO, OMI track. Steps in DC-8 lidar curtain. Square spiral during CALIPSO, OMI OP. Aerosol gradients predicted by models.


Barrow local

April 3

CALIPSO Validation over Arctic Ocean NW of Barrow

Barrow local

April 4

Coordinated pattern with Convair-580, multiple passes over ARM NSA site, extensive clouds

Barrow local

April 6

CALIPSO Validation SW of Barrow, Coordination with P-3, Dust layers in upper troposphere

Barrow local

April 8

Two-flights; Coordinated with Convair-580, DOE ISDAC “Golden Day�, extensive low cloud over Barrow, aerosol layers aloft

Barrow local

April 9

CALIPSO Validation over western Alaska, Coordinated flight with DC-8 under CALIPSO track and near Barrow, Flight along northwest coast of Alaska, several aerosol layers, ice/aerosol over Barrow

Barrow local

April 10

CALIPSO Validation NW of Barrow, extensive aerosol/ice over Barrow and along CALIPSO track

Barrow local

April 12

Coordinated CALIPSO track with DC-8 and NOAA P-3 SW of Barrow, considerable biomass burning smoke

Barrow to Fairbanks

April 13

Coordinated with NASA P-3 and CALIPSO track over western Alaska, extensive clouds along most of track, coordinated with Convair-580 near Barrow

Fairbanks local

April 15

Coordinated with NASA P-3 and NOAA P-3 west of Fairbanks and with CALIPSO track over central Alaska, elevated smoke layers through most of flight


April 16

Two flights; coordination with DC-8 and CALIPSO track over western Alaska; elevated Asian pollution/smoke layers

Barrow local

April 17

CALIPSO validation NW of Barrow; DC-8 coordination east of Barrow; aerosol/ice over Barrow

Barrow local

April 19

CALIPSO Validation NW of Barrow; coordination with Convair-580 and NOAA P-3 near Barrow; extensive Siberian smoke layers sampled with other aircraft over ARM NSA site

DC-8, P-3, and B-200 research flights during the ARCTAS summer deployment4

Flight #



Special features6



Palmdale-Cold Lake

June 26

California fire plumes, OMI validation, HIAPER intercomparison


Cold Lake local 1

June 29

Siberian fire plume, pyroconvective outflow, Saskatchewan fires


Cold Lake local 2

July 1

Near-field evolution of Saskatchewan fire plumes


Cold Lake local 3

July 4

Near-field evolution of Saskatchewan fire plumes, Californian and Siberian fire plumes, TES validation


Cold Lake local 4

July 5

Saskatchewan fire plumes, biogenic emissions


Cold Lake-Thule

July 8

Siberian fires and Asian pollution


Thule local

July 9

MOPITT validation over Summit, intercomparison with DLR Falcon, Siberian fires and Asian pollution


Thule-Cold Lake

July 10

P-3 intercomparison, Alberta oil sands emissions


Cold Lake-Palmdale

July 14

California fire plumes



Moffett Field - Local

June 22

Power plant plume, CAR circles, ship plume, AERONET, Terra, sonde, smoke.


Moffett-Los Angeles-Moffett

June 24

19 ship plume crossings. Profiles under Terra & Aqua. Ocean BRDF (calm & 50-kt winds). Fire plumes & pollution plumes.


Moffett Field-Cold Lake

June 26

Lake Tahoe smoke radiation study in DC-8 lidar curtain & under Terra. Lake albedo & BRDF. Central Valley smoke gradient legs.


Cold Lake local 1

June 28

Sampled many fire plumes (incl. pyrocumulus) in many stages of development under B-200.


Cold Lake local 2

June 29

Fire plumes. Albedo, BRDF over lake & land. Ft. McMurray plume. DC-8 comparison scrubbed by clouds.


Cold Lake local 3

June 30

CALIPSO, OMI underflight w AOD & in situ. Black & white smoke. In situ & radiation under B-200. BRDF over smoke pall. Asian pollution w dust as predicted by models.


Cold Lake local 4

July 2

Radiation work under B-200. Aerosol evolution in downwind transport. Pyrocumulus.


Cold Lake local 5

July 3

Ft McMurray AERONET spiral in regional biomass haze. MODIS-MISR-MOPITT spiral. B-200 + CALIPSO, OMI spiral. Radiation stack. Forest BRDF. Fresh smoke sampling + downwind evolution. Radiation-AOD-in situ ramp.


Cold Lake local 6

July 6

Radiation profiles & legs under Terra. BRDF of blue & muddy water. Cloud edges under B-200. Dense smoke spirals under B-200. Radiation stacks. CAR in cloud. PyroCu outflow.


Cold Lake local 7

July 7

Radiative forcing efficiency of Asian/Siberian plume. Aerosol effects on MODIS-Terra cloud sensing. Tests of model aerosol, CO, & O3 predictions. Radiation stacks. CAR circles over AERONET. In situ-AATS-AERONET spiral.


Cold Lake local 8

July 9

Spirals & radiation legs under Terra-MISR. Radiation legs + stacks in fire plumes under B-200 + CALIPSO, OMI. Black & white smoke.


Cold Lake local 9

July 10

DC-8 intercomparison under B-200. Cloud edge work. Ft. McMurray sampling. Camsell & Viking fires—greatest CO, AOD>4.


Cold Lake-BWI-Wallops

July 14


Yellowknife local

June 28

Extensive clouds along CALIPSO Validation track; coordination with NASA P-3 over fires near Lake Athabasca

Yellowknife local

June 29

Coordination with DC-8 over fires and smoke near Lake Athabasca; elevated aerosol layers also observed

Yellowknife local

June 30

CALIPSO Validation and coordination with NASA P-3 along CALIPSO track and over fires/smoke between Lakes Athabasca and Reindeer; Asian pollution and dust

Yellowknife local

July 2

Two flights; Coordination with NASA P-3 over fresh and aged smoke; CALIPSO Validation on second flight

Yellowknife local

July 3

CALIPSO Validation and NASA P-3 coordination along CALIPSO track; extensive aerosollayers along track

Yellowknife local

July 6

Two flights; first flight around Yellowknife found no fresh smoke; second flight was coordination with P-3 for fires/smoke near Lake Athabasca

Yellowknife-Cold Lake-Edmonton

July 7

Two flights: Asian/Siberian smoke over Alberta

Edmonton local and Edmonton-Yellowknife

July 8

Two flights; Asian/Siberian smoke over western Alberta/eastern British Columbia; CALIPSO Validation over northern Alberta

Yellowknife local

July 9

CALIPSO Validation; coordination with NASA P-3 along CALIPSO track an in area of dense smoke

Yellowknife local

July 10

CALIPSO validation; coordination with NASA P-3 and DC-near Yellowknife

1 Flights were typically 8 h in duration for the DC-8 and 8 h for the P-3.

2 Palmdale, California (35N, 118W), Wallops, Virginia (38N, 75W), and Moffett Field California (37N, 122W) were the aircraft home bases.

3 All flights in the spring deployment targeted pollution layers from mid-latitudes. The DC-8 flights featured extensive vertical profiling from 0.45 km altitude to the stratosphere.

4 Flight durations were typically 8 h for the DC-8 and 8 h for the P-3

5 Palmdale, California (35N, 118W) and Moffett Field California (37N, 122W) were the aircraft home bases.

6 All flights in the summer deployment targeted biomass burning plumes. The DC-8 flights featured extensive vertical profiling from 0.45 km altitude to the stratosphere.

7 Flight 13 was from Ames to Edmonton, Alberta (Canadian customs) and flight 14 was from Edmonton to Cold Lake.

ESPO News:


OIB Arctic Mar-May 2012

HS3 Aug-Sep 2012

OIB Antarctic, Oct-Nov 2011

HS3, Aug-Sep 2011

ATTREX Jan-Feb 2013

SEAC4RS Aug-Sep 2012

Seagrass Apr-May, Nov 2012 & Jan 2013

Impacts of Climate on the Eco-Systems and Chemistry of the Arctic Pacific Environment (ICESCAPE) was a multi-year NASA shipborne project. The bulk of the research took place in the Beaufort and Chukchi Sea’s in the summers of 2010 and 2011. Although the mission has been complete for some time, there are now two new news articles on the subject. CNN and Latin Times
Dates: Apr-May, Nov 2012 and Jan 2013
Aircraft: SIERRA
Location(s): Cedar Key, FL, Key West, FL and Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
Science Goals: High Resolution Assessment of Carbon Dynamics in Seagrass and Coral Reef Biomes; Science objectives are to image sea grass and coral for understanding carbon dynamics in addition to improving methodologies for calibrating orbital imagery in the littoral zone.
ESPO Role/Lead: ESPO is providing logistic support - Quincy Allison and Marshal Chaidez
Dates: Mar 12 - May 25 2012
Aircraft: NASA WFF P-3, LaRC HU-25 Falcon
Location(s): Thule and Kangerlussuaq Greenland, Fairbanks AK
Science Goals: Ongoing investigation of the thinning and movement of Antarctic Sea and Land Ice. Data collected during IceBridge will help scientists bridge the gap in polar observations between NASA's Ice, Cloud and Land Elevation Satellite (ICESat) -- in orbit since 2003 -- and ICESat-2, planned for late 2015. ICESat stopped collecting science data in 2009, making IceBridge critical for ensuring a continuous series of observations. IceBridge will use airborne instruments to map Arctic and Antarctic areas once a year.
ESPO Role/Lead: ESPO providing Deployment Management - Kent Shiffer (DM), Jhony Zavaleta (Deputy DM).
Others: Jhony Zavaleta returned once again to Thule Greenland at the end of May to complete wrap up the mission details with the Thule Air Base operations.
Accomplishments this past month: Operation IceBridge is now complete. The LaRC falcon has completed all of its expected flight lines and has returned to Langley. The WFF P-3 has also completed an unprecedented Cryospheric campaign and returned to the US on May 25th.. Flying over 328 total hours including 252 science hours at an estimated distance of 82,815 nautical miles over the arctic and island of Greenland. All P-3 and Falcon flight reports can be viewed on the ESPO OIB web site at: Web Site
Dates: October 5 - November 22, 2011
Aircraft: NASA DC-8, NSF G-V
Location(s): Punta Arenas, Chile
Science Goals: Ongoing investigation of the thinning and movement of Antarctic Sea and Land Ice. Data collected during IceBridge will help scientists bridge the gap in polar observations between NASA's Ice, Cloud and Land Elevation Satellite (ICESat) -- in orbit since 2003 -- and ICESat-2, planned for late 2015. ICESat stopped collecting science data in 2009, making IceBridge critical for ensuring a continuous series of observations. IceBridge will use airborne instruments to map Arctic and Antarctic areas once a year.
ESPO Role/Lead: ESPO providing Deployment Management - Kent Shiffer (DM), Jhony Zavaleta (Deputy DM).
Other details: This is the first time the NSF G-V has joined the OIB team and will fly the LVIS instrument at high altitude. (Land, Vegetation, and Ice Sensor).
Web Site
Dates: Aug 1 - Oct 14, 2012
Aircraft: 2 Global Hawks (AV-1 and AV-6)
Location(s): WFF (Wallops)
Science Goals: To investigate the processes that underlie hurricane formation and intensity change in the Atlantic Ocean basin.
ESPO Role/Lead: ESPO providing Project Management - Marilyn Vasques (PM), Bernie Luna (Deputy PM)
Other details: This will be the first deployment of the GH to a remote location and the first use of its 2nd ground set. It will also be the first time NASA will fly 2 GHs on the same mission. Both GHs will not fly a storm at the same time but shortly after one returns to base, the other can take off. The Payload Mobile Operations Facility (PMOF) is expected to transit to WFF July 6. More info at HS3Web site
Current plan
Integration begins: July 1
GH 872 (AV-6) transits to WFF: Aug 29
Science flights begin Sept 1
GH 871 (AV-1) transits to WFF Sept 7
Science flight complete Oct 5
Accomplishments this past month: Science team telecon conducted May 23rd. Preparations for integration and deployment continue. Science, operations, safety and E/PO telecons continue and operations, safety and budget documentation is in work. During a flight of the ongoing KQX/DARPA tests, the Global Hawk flew within 40 feet of each other. Although this is not a requirement for HS3, it is a major milestone for KQX. After a few weeks of analysis, they will fly again and attempt to connect the aircraft for air-to-air refueling. The two GHs were to be turned over to HS3 June 30. HS3 just got a request to explain the impact of giving KQX 2 more weeks. The impact will be severe and the justification will be presented by HS3 June 12.
Dates: Jan-Feb, 2013
Aircraft: Global Hawk AV-6
Location(s): DFRC
Science Goals: Further investigate the water vapor physics and the chemistry of the tropical tropopause
ESPO Role/Lead: ESPO providing Project Management - Dave Jordan (PM), Jhony Zavaleta (Deputy PM).
Other details: Web Site
Dates: August-September 2012 (exact dates not yet set)
Aircraft: NASA ER-2, DC-8, NSF G-V
Location(s): Utapao Thailand
Science Goals: This scientific experiment will address key science questions regarding the influence of Asian emissions on clouds, climate, and air quality as well as fundamental satellite observability of the system. SEAC4RS will facilitate progress in understanding and improving predictive capability for changes in the ozone layer, climate forcing, and air quality associated with changes in atmospheric composition.
ESPO Role/Lead: ESPO providing Project Management - Kent Shiffer (PM), Jhony Zavaleta (Deputy PM).
Other details: Other aircraft may join the SEAC4RS team including the Royal Thai Rainmaking operation. SEAC4RS Web Site
Accomplishments this past month: The DC3 NSF/NASA mission, (preliminary mission to SEAC4RS) is currently deployed with the NASA DC-8 and NSF G-V aircraft in Salina KS. ESPO team members Kent Shiffer and Sue Tolley are planning to visit Thailand again to finalize deployment site particulars on June 16th. They will be joined by an ER-2 pilot and will review the facilities and provide a safety briefing to the airport.
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