November 12, 2012

HUD Honors Veteran’s Service by Serving Them

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On this day — Veteran’s Day — let us raise our flags, not only because we love the United States of America, but to honor those who have risked their lives, lost their lives, to provide us access to the liberties we enjoy everyday. This country was built upon the shoulders of men and women [...]

November 9, 2012

HUD, VA and Partners Help Delaware Vet Move From Homelessness to Homebuyer

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Our guest blogger today is Maria Bynum, Deleware Field Office Director, HUD As we celebrate the Nation’s veterans, Delaware veteran Ellis Thompson shares his journey from being homeless to purchasing his own home.  At 59, Thompson stands tall and proud of his success and grateful for the opportunity to inspire other vets on the street [...]

October 24, 2012

Community Development from the Ground Up

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Community development is a key component in meeting HUD’s goal of improving quality of life for all Americans. In Denver, there has been a concerted effort to become more deliberate in meeting the housing needs of the community. Whether it’s for ending homelessness, supporting veterans, or boosting the local economy, HUD’s Community Planning and Development [...]

June 19, 2012

Protecting our Veterans from Foreclosure

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As our veterans’ return home from deployments, it is essential that we ensure the transition is as smooth as possible.  This means ensuring there are jobs and housing available to them and this includes helping them with solutions to keep their homes if they’re in trouble. Take Sabrina Lacy for example.  A single mother, Lacy [...]

May 7, 2012

Daily Housing News Round-Up

The New Orleans Times-Picayune ran, “new road home initiatives announced by HUD Secretary.” Tomorrow, HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan will testify before the Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee at a hearing on expanding refinancing opportunities to improve the housing market. HUD Deputy Assistant Secretary for Special Needs Programs Mark Johnston places as a Samuel [...]
