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DRP000014  Comprehensive analysis of polysomal mRNAs in HT29 cell.

Study Type: 
Transcriptome Analysis
Submission:  DRA000014 by on 2009-08-17 14:59:00
Abstract:  Expression profile in HT29 cell exposed to ER stress was attempted. We used shotgun sequencing method, in which next gene sequencing technology and polysome analysis were combined.
Description:  We analyzed the mRNA profile in cytoplasm and in polysome during the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress using second generation sequencers. We compared three time points (0 hr/untreatment control, 4 hr and 16 hr after treatment with 2 ホシg/mL ER stress inducible agent Tunicamycin (Tm)). This is the first time mRNA in 窶徘olysome窶・is analyzed using the next generation sequencers and compared with that of cytoplasm.
Center Project:  Integrateve Transcriptome Analysis
NCBI Link:  /pubmed:22465528
BioProject:  34559 (primary)
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Total: 1 5.1 M 182.8 M
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DRR000034 5.1 M 182.8 M