Fort Detrick

Questions and Answers

What are Fort Detrick's key Characteristics?

What is the mission of Fort Detrick?

How is Fort Detrick Responsible?

What is Fort Detrick's Safety Record?

Where is Area B?

What is in the Area B Landfill?

When did clean-up activities begin on Area B?

What are TCE and PCE?

What is the current status of clean-up activities?

What can the public learn about clean-up activities on Area B?

What is the NPL, and how will it help with the clean up?

What is the role of the RAB (Restoration Advisory Board)?

When is the next scheduled RAB meeting, where will it be held, and can
the public attend?

What should you do if you have health concerns?

Why does the Army do research into diseases?

How can the public find out what is going on Fort Detrick?

Can the public tour Fort Detrick?

How does Fort Detrick treat its waste?

Who regulates Fort Detrick's activities?

Is the Area B landfill still in use? If so, what is deposited there?

Who can I talk to about testing my home or well?

What "green" initiatives is Fort Detrick considering for new construction?

How is Fort Detrick achieving its energy efficiency and certifications?

What is an EIS?

What is the farm that can be seen from Opposumtown Pike, inside Fort Detrick?

What exactly is being burned in the Fort Detrick incinerators?

What scrubbers are being used in the Fort Detrick incinerators and how old are they?

Who verifies what comes out of the stack of the Fort Detrick incinerators and how often is this tested? Are results provided to Maryland Department of Environment?

What is the daily capacity of each incinerator and how much is being burned annually?

When do they burn at the Fort Detrick incinerators?

Why do I hear the sirens from the Big Voice every month?

What do the sirens mean?

How does the surrounding community learn more about Mass Notification Systems?

How do I know what to do in case of siren activation?

What am I Supposed to Know?

How do I get a job at Fort Detrick?

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Sustainable Detrick

Sustainable Detrick

Achieving Army Goals of Mission, Community, Environment... Economy

Fort Detrick is:

- Relevant...
A national asset, proudly protecting the nation and supporting the local economy

- Respectful...
People Count... customers and employees working together for service excellence

- Responsible...
Conserving resources, a recognized steward of the environment

- Ready...
Sustainable planning, preparing for tomorrow's challenges

Fort Detrick, Maryland
A Sustainable Community of Excellence

Customer Evaluation:

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